Friends of the Library related stuff:
Ye gods, Dean Koontz doth overfloweth. However, all of the Michael Chritons except for Jurassic Park and Lost World are in a box, because he doesn't belong in Sci-fi/Horror, dammit.
I was finally named the chairperson of the Sci-Fi/Horror section. It's only taken them four years. But hey, now I'm recognized for all of my hard work! Whoo!
School related stuff:
Bought my books on Wednesday. There's seven for my history class, which is supposed to be 20th-century Britain in Film. If anyone could explain the connection between film and 'here read eight million books', I'd be grateful.
School starts on the 25th and I don't feel like I've had a vacation at all. Mrph.
Social related stuff:
I saw my best friend for the first time in a month; her job at Hobby Lobby has pretty much eaten her life, or something. Knowing this doesn't make me less lonely >_>
Took my computer out three times since I got it. It's found networks in two places. Also, it's heavy as fuck.
Had family reunion about a month ago, and it was completely miserable. Not even because I was bored, but my grandmother hauled off with the God of All Guilt Trips in front of the entire, assembled family. It was awkward, to say the least. Also, someone brought their fiance's relatives, who ate our food and then left without cleaning up or meeting the rest of the family. Pigs. But I when to my brother's house and we had burritoes and watched Pulp Fiction after, so that was fun.
Also, got invited by a coworker to role-playing, but haven't heard anything in a while. Wondering if it'll pan out or not before I graduate.
RP related stuff:
Right, so! Where to start? Suppose I'll go with the most recent stuff.
honoringblood spent two weeks trapped in
flowerclock, attempting to escape with
so_not_harker, which had the added bonus of compelling me to finally try to finish the first season of Supernatural. After getting into unpleasant, hairy situations with his cousin
tied_by, he and Thomas have tentatively started an open relationship (though Ash is pretty sure Thomas just wants him all to himself). He will never, ever mention the things he did with Sam. Ever.
In future plans, I intend to send him through the World's Largest Dungeon and have him return at the beginning of the year, looking suspiciously like Karl Urban (circa Xena: Warrior Princess).
bhaalitebard needs to get out more. No, really.
Future plans might have him filling in for the Master Chief in the first Halo game.
bloodedhunter continues to have an angsty relationship with
sees_all, and has it revealed that the angst won't stop even after one of them is dead.
Future plans might include him finally finding a Bhaal that isn't dead to serve.
rageofbhaal never had sex with
tied_by and wants to know where you got that ridulous theory from. Also, he hasn't seen his boyfriend,
myownhonor, in a long time. And misses sex.
Has no current future plans, but a scenario involving the Seelie/Unseelie courts or the Wild Hunt is a potential.
prodigalsith went through
program68 with a horse pick, a broken crucifix, a knife, and a semi-automatic rifle, in that order, before he was bashed in the head by a teenager with a split personality. Ain't life a bitch?
who_me_ is particularly pissed-off at him.
Will potentially decide to return to his own galaxy to assist in reconstruction of the Republic in the future, in the hopes of not being hanged if he helps them.
whati_llbecome had a spaz-out when
prodigalsith disappeared into
program68 and spent a little over two weeks being distracted near-constantly so he wouldn't dissolve into a nervous wreck. Also, he made
hammermeetnail freak out, which was totally worth it in every single way.
No future plans as of yet.
Am considering making a Furyan (Chronicles of Riddick), since I used to sort-of have one and I kind of miss him. It would be less brain-breaking than the Gary Stu winged elfboy, and easier to find a PB.
Am also considering another Baldur's Gate character or a fey (since I don't actually have a fey character). Thoughts, anyone?