Pan's Labyrinth rocks my fucking socks, d00dz.

Feb 27, 2007 10:03

For everyone not cool enough to live in Lubbock, you missed out on the killer dust-storm on Saturday. 0 Visibility WHOO!

For those of you who are cool enough to live in Lubbock, the parking lot of the shiny new Target is full of sand. Also, the largest Wal-Mart on earth still has new-store smell. Better get out there quick before it wears off.

Nothing amazing on the school front, except that I got to make a completely anonymous confession in my Sociology of the Family class last week, by way of throwing paper balls at my classmates. That was incredibly liberating.

And now, the Wide World of RP.

flood_architect is now hanging around in goblin_kingdom for research and awesomeness. Also, he gave food to ivegotatower, whom I seriously want to glomp on.

Scribner from dead_hausobooks, still stuck as a human from the Rassplosion, met the ever adowabo vocalentrapment and they chatted a bunch. Then they got LOL'd and there was sex. Don't ask. Either way, I found a more birdy model for Grave, he just needs his hair color changed.

rageofbhaal has been having some seriously fucked-up dreams lately, mostly involving him and bloodtie in... compromising situations. Luckily, it's just because of a hormone imbalance 'cause he's gone into heat. Unluckily, he has to deal with this until the end of March. He's hiding out in vocalentrapment's universe and taking a cocktail of sleeping pills so he can conk out without dreaming, not that it's helping. 'Cause I'm evil like that.

prodigalsith, after being gone from the Nexus for most of the month, finally came back with a question. who_me_ told him that he missed him. Aww. And he got to talk more with his alt, force_empath, though darth_traya managed to piss him off. Oh well!

windinmysails entered the Nexus, confused as most newbies, and was suddenly swamped by Greeks! Among other people. mercurialnature let the poor guy stay with him, which he greatly appreciated even if living in the same house as a god kind of freaks him out. And he made friends with elisa_garg, irishredwolf, and spinsaweb. Hopefully they don't think he's an idiot or 'quaint' just because he's living in 403 BCE.

And last but not least, bhaalitebard, who looks suspiciously like a pointy-eared irishredwolf, entered the Nexus with little or no confusion and a great big smile! He talked with all sort of people, including the afformentioned werewolf, and his alt sister, selene_bhaal. Also, he got sexed up by what_big_teeth, which was fine by him since he hasn't gotten any in two years.

And that's my life so far. Taadaa!
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