(no subject)

Feb 20, 2007 10:10

Nothing too big in my life. My Family prof keeps having to cancel class because of weather or illness, my Personality prof keeps leaving town (which gives me a damn good reason to skip, since he sends us the notes first), and my History prof is not teh l33t with Greek history (Philip II wasn't executed ah-duuuurr). The RPG in that class ended last week with us acquitting Socrates (whoo!), and as it turns out the Moderate Democrats won. Who would've thought it?

Anyway, my brother moved out of the house over the weekend. His room is looking very barren right now, but we found a kickass futon at Ashley's Furniture that'll take up some space. We ordered a new gaming computer last night too.

Speaking of last night, OMFG HEROES. If you missed that episode, you seriously are the most deprived and sad person in the known universe. Also, Sylar creeps me the fuck out, but he's so damn adorable. Not in the Matt Parker or Hiro ways, but he is.

Rather than giving a character update (which will be hysterical when I give it, believe me), I'm going to hand over a list of my pups with their fandoms.

mercykiller360- Robert-033, aka Bobcat; Spartan-II; Halo
sangheil_sniper- Mort 'Sejumee; Elite; Halo
clubsnspades- Broderick-B124, aka Spade; Spartan-III; Halo
flood_architect- Soranis/Copernicus/Judas; Flood-Forerunner hybrid; Halo
dead_hausobooks- Higralda Nosa Faru, aka Scribner; Hunter; Halo
comesforthee- Zim, aka Grave; Jackal; Halo

rageofbhaal- Grint Halla-Barra; half-human/half-fey Bhaalspawn; Baldur's Gate
bhaalitebard- Tezcatlipoca, aka Tez; half-human/half-elf Bhaalspawn; Baldur's Gate
bloodedhunter- Cyric Vyshaan; elven Bhaalspawn; Baldur's Gate
blackchill- Brom and Skolbran; Human; Forgotten Realms
spidercityking- Dinin Vrinn; Half-Drow; Forgotten Realms

prodigalsith- Dann Revan Polo, aka Darth Revan; Mandalorian; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
whati_llbecome- Dann Polo, age 18; Mandalorian; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
force_killer- Tobias Donn, aka the Exile; Corellian; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2- The Sith Lords
vode_an- Axis Mereel (Revan's dad); Mandalorian; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

windinmysails- Hermokrates of Athens; Greek; original universe
vaporshifter- Mal; shapeshifting Vaporeon; Pokemon
satans_mustang- Devildog; Autobot/Silver 2007 Ford Mustang; Transformers
honoringblood- Ashley fon Ronsenberg; Improbable Nexus Child; FFXII/Baldur's Gate
tiredofplanes- Drey; shapeshifting Boomslang; original universe
crosscountrycat- Avery Maru; werecheetah; Dirash

I think that covers everybody. If I left anyone out, please tell me.

Other than all of that, I'm out. See you people lata.


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