Saint Chupacabra.

Jul 16, 2011 09:56

(Mask & patches exchange with Terra & Vicki, first photo by Vicki L., group photo by Martin Q.)

Let me fill in some of the gaps on the rest of last week, here. Tuesday & Thursday night I went to the gym. Nothing special; I exercised adequately. An hour fifteen each, with effort portioned equally between the elliptical, free weights & the machines. There is a woman who I've started a "wave hello" relationship with, after seeing each other out of the corner of our eyes every couple of days for a couple of years. I guess it is the version of the chin-up dudebro nod. I'll go again today-- once I can get my pile of lazybones up & active-- & that will make three. I've been pretty good about this "three times a week" thing; I don't think I've slipped up since, like, January. Also on Thursday I went out to lunch at Mangia with JJ & Terra, which was mostly us talking about television shows we like, particularly Doctor Who. I had a salad with "wine roasted grapes" that was alright. Pretty alright, if a little bit pricey. Oh, & more Work Adventures. On Friday-- after the half-day-- I had lunch with Caroline at Cafe Steinhof. I had the mushrooms & dumplings & eggs, since I really like the mushrooms & dumplings on the dinner menu-- the "with eggs" part just meant it was scrambled together, which wasn't actually my favorite. Fun fact: whenever I record what I've been eating or watching on television, I only ever think how helpful I'm being to future digital archeologists. You're welcome, The Future. Caroline & I talked almost exclusively about Sleep No More, since she's gone seven times & is basically a ninja of it. & then home, to a slightly fussy Jenny-- she's been fighting off a cold & has been a little bit miserable the past few days. Poor thing. We got dinner from the Park Slope Ale House, since she wanted comfort food-- a chicken pot pie, a shepherd's pie, some fried pickles & a whole mess of string beans. We watched the final episode of season one of Archer & then she went back to quilting & I...well...the thing that is really patching together this week is A Dance With Dragons, which came out on Tuesday. I haven't been reading it maniacally-- I'm only a little more than half-way-- but I have been reading it pretty consistently. Mostly in a "finish a chapter, go kiss Jenny on the forehead, go fiddle on the internet, read another chapter" way.

television, photos, restaurants

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