Freyja's day I couldn't do anything besides whimper & pass out. Saturn's day the most I could accomplish was a few blog posts & some movie watching. Today I was a lot better, but I still canceled my game on account of, well, if I had some bad situation go down, I'd rather it was here & not elsewhere. I'd been sleeping on the air mattress (so my
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Hmmm. I think this will work. And, yeah, fueling using willpower. And I guess if they want technology or artifacts rather than a power, it will have to have some kind of power source or recharge time.
I think Dread Powers are a fine way to go, but they might be a bit powerful? That is my impression of them, anyway. Anyhow, no reason a device can't work the same way, heck, if they have to concentrate to figure out the alien runes, or whatever.
Anyhow, you can make items out of vampire powers too! I think our point is the same though: gutting out the fluff (unless, you know, the fluff is evocative, in which case, right on) to use the crunch for similar purposes. I don't care if you have Vigor because you are a vampire or from krypton or have a cyborg arm. SAME DIFF.
I'll blab about it later!
What if you let the PCs use Risk to advance their Virtue or Vice? I've toyed with that idea-- I usually just discard it because I like less rules versus more rules.
I have thought of this, but some old school gamers are...reluctant to do this.
Well, they can get points out of Virtue, too; I'm not down on that. I'm saying Vice puts forward short term game, since you get it right away. & it doesn't have to be like, KILLING NUNS! for Wrath or anything. I am really into Vice, since many players are inclined to make flawless characters. Reward flaws!
Vice isn't equal to evil. Sloth doesn't have to be over the top-- just enough to impact the story.
I had a confab with some players about that degree of PC control-- of having "points" (we dubbed the "Effervescence" for the thought experiment) that would be total shot in the dark rolls-- basically a Chance die for...ANYTHING. "Don't I recognize that guard?" becomes-- "spend an Effervescence...." on a roll of a 10 yes! That is the guy from the bar who bet you "anything you want!" in pool but then you beat him-- you still have his marker! but on a 1 it becomes "Uh...oh, yeah. That is Darth Vader, slumming it."
The PCs I spoke to about it weren't psyched. !
But yes, plot is negotiable. One of the prime motivations for this game was to have the plot be very sketchy so that I respond to what the players want to do, and don't feel like I have to scrap a neat-o idea I had planned for the endgame. Being of a writerly nature, I have tended to overwrite the future of the game and then feel blindsided when things changed. I broke out of that habit with a couple of pick-up games and games set in cities with far too many characters for me to have planned it all--so I made shit up in response to player input.
If it feels a little bit like Lost, where shit is happening and nobody clearly knows why, so be it. Chaos and transience is built into the world actually--things not making a whole lot of sense is a fact of life there. To give the chars some initial direction, they begin with a "quest", which they can use as a trajectory for the rest of the game, or ignore once the trail goes cold, which it will.
I'm basically talking this out by talking to you! Thanks
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