The Basics
1.Name: Cheyenne
2.Age: Just recently turned 16
3.Gender: Female
What’s your ethnicity? Pasty white girl with some Cherokee, German, Irish and Scotch thrown in. :D
4.What is your preferred position in a band? Anything that lets me burn off energy. Guitar's my favorite, though I could go for bashing on drums any day :D
5.What skills or hobbies do you have? Knitting, crocheting, drawing and writing. I also like history, particularly European mythology and American history from about the 1760s through WWII. I'm learning to speak Spanish as well.
6.Do you have an addictive personality?(if so, what kind of things are you addicted to?) History, books, music, and drawing. I also love conversing in different languages...
7.What was your childhood like? Rather nice, actually. I'm an only child and I was always very quiet (I felt lucky to have parents who weren't divorced), but I loved listening to rock music. My mom introduced me to KISS, I became a crazy addicted listener, and we went to a live concert/met them this October. :D
8.How do you feel children should be raised? Don't beat them, but for all our sakes make the little monsters behave. Teach them respect for animals and other human beings, and please to not be letting them become Hannah Montana fans. LOL.
9.What‘s your point of view on God? Eh...I believe, but I tend to take a more Buddhist viewpoint to things. I don't really have a religion at all.
10.Do you enjoy being around people? Certain people make me want to scoop out my eyeballs with a teaspoon, but I can stay around others for ages. It all depends on what they're like, I guess.
11.Are you introverted or extroverted? I'd say I was more introverted. I'm not the biggest people person in the world.
12.What‘s your self esteem like? Not rock-bottom, but not very high either.
13.How intelligent are you? A bit above average.
14.How determined/motivated are you? Quite. I have to be 'cause of all the stinkin' group projects at the collegiate high school I go to - nobody else does their dang part, LOL.
15. Do you like to shop? And secondly, what do you like to shop for? Not especially - ever since my grandma got me a debit card I don't really like to spend...but when I do shop, it's usually for silly stuff like pajamas and magazines, maybe a couple of practical things like sketchbooks or new boots.
16. If you were in a metal band, what kind of metal would you play? (ex. Viking metal, Death Metal, Speed metal, black metal, power metal, etc,etc.) Goth or doom metal, with a little Viking...all of those are awesome.
17.How do you feel about christain rock? Ugh. Just ugh. It's awful, to me at least.
18. Would you consider yourself naïve or innocent? Not innocent, but sometimes just a little naïve.
19.Who's your favorite character and why? I love Skwisgaar (because he makes me laugh, especially his accent - stops copies me!) and Charles' badass...ness. LOL.
20.What do you think about relationships?(both platonic and not) Platonic is good enough for me. Friendship = good. Love, not so much, because I absolutely hate getting too involved with people. I'm just weird about that kind of thing.
21.How are you in relationships?(both platonic and not) I can be very affectionate and kind, but if something rubs me the wrong way I'll definitely tell you about it. I've tended to want to be the dominant one in the short-lived school romance I had, and I still do.
22.Post a set of lyrics you feel you can relate to:(please list the artist and song title)
These are all partial.
KISS - Love in Chains:
No one gets a piece of your heart
It's over 'cause you won't let it start
You keep your love in chains, love in chains
And only fear remains and keeps your love in chains
But isn't it time (enough), isn't it time (enough)
Oh yeah
Garbage - I'm Only Happy When It Rains:
I'm only happy when it rains
I feel good when things are going wrong
I only listen to the sad, sad songs
I'm only happy when it rains
I only smile in the dark
My only comfort is the night gone black
I didn't accidentally tell you that
I'm only happy when it rains
You'll get the message by the time I'm through
When I complain about me and you
I'm only happy when it rains
23.If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? My problems with self-esteem. I wish I could just accept a frickin' compliment for once in my life...
24.Your best friend just got together with a total bitch, worse slut ever. Ruins everything. How do you react to this? Give them one chance to redeem themselves, then cut off all contact. After that, no more me for them if that tart was around. :C
25.If you were one of the seven deadly sins, which would you be? I'd say Sloth. I love bed, sleeping and...bed. LOL
26.Are there olives in it? Hells to the yes. Salty goodness.
27.How do you explain the dead unicorns? UFOs turned them all inside out.
28.Would you like to murder? And if so, how would you go about it? Very industriously! I like to do things and get them done I'd fire up the chainsaw~
28. If you were going to eventually become metally insane, what type of mental imperfection would you have? Obsessive compulsive disorder. I have this thing about cleanliness and orderliness that you wouldn't believe.
30.And finally:Which, do you most, can't, the least? Knit. Yarny yarn yarn yarn.