Kanto Travels, Day 5

Jun 16, 2011 09:49

(sorry for the lack of an update last night.  Was so tired after work I just passed out as soon as I sat down.  Note:  Sleeping in a desk chair is NOT GOOD for the neck or back,,  :P )

With heavy hearts, we press on.

I think that Elaine was affected by Miki's death more than anyone.  A lot of the fire seems to have gone out in her.  She fights still, and is extremely strong, but..  There's just nothing there.  Like she feels she has nothing to fight for.  I hope that I can find a psychic type soon so we will be able to communicate.

The others are holding together as well as can be expected.  Each night I pass around Miki's pokeball so they can have a moment with her until we reach Lavender Town.  It seems to help them, although Elaine won't accept it.  She just turns away.

We've managed to reach Mount Moon and have set up camp near the entrance.  The trainers around here are a strange lot, from psychotic bug masters to children who seem to be more worried about whether you're wearing pants or shorts than they are about their pokemon.  Ah well.

Along the way these past few days, we have picked up three new friends, Janine, the Magicarp who was purchased for a fair amount of money from a traveling salesman.  It seemed like a ridiculous price, however, I can see the strength in her eyes.  She will be spending a little time at the pokemon daycare to rest and train before she is ready to battle, but we'll be nearby all of that time.

Vincent, the Spearow was caught along route 4.  Well, caught seems to be a strong term for it.  He was asleep in the middle of the road!  I don't  think I've ever seen a more laid-back Spearow in my life!  I mean, he could give a Snorlax a run for its money!

Also, immediately upon entering Mount Moon, I got a face full of a Zubat, which was swatted out of the air by Ginny's gust attack and captured with fair ease by Fangrel swatting a dropped pokeball at her!  All the years of doing this I don't believe I've ever had one of my pokemon catch another.  It must mean something.

She's a bit odd, however.  She doesn't play or rough house with the other pokemon.  She just watches, never playing, never smiling, never even going near the others, save Elaine.  They've been spending a lot of time together today.

Ah well, we've gotten a room in the pokemon center just outside of Mount Moon and tomorrow we'll be heading inside.  Rumor has it that Team Rocket is hiding within, but we'll just have to see about that..  I wonder if they've encouraged the bloodthirsty tactics that this new breed of trainers are using, or is it too much even for them?

story, writing, rpg, video games, trainer, epic, gaming, pokemon, challenge, nuzlocke, grind

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