So an update of sorts

Jul 21, 2007 19:15

As I was sitting here bored this afternoon, I decided to just troll back through my lj and those of some of my close friends. Strolls down memory lane are nice sometimes. However no one really updates any more.

Besides that giant earth shattering realization of mine, nothing really new has been going on. Ok, that's a lie. I have a great new job that I love love love. I've been learning new things and getting more comfortable with the computer system. I still have minor problems, but nothing that I can't figure out. The only thing that would make working there better would be if Sarah came up by us. Yeah, that would rock.

On the more personal front...not so good. I've been going back and forth over a few things lately...I hate waffling. I know that whatever decision I make it will feel like the wrong one and that I'm making the worst decision of my life. A promise made is not easily broken. However, if broken, can it be gone back on without any damage done? I just don't know, and that is what's driving me crazy/killing me.

Other things have been on my mind that are completely related to the above waffling. On the one hand do I risk loosing someone who means so much to me by just turning around and walking away? Or do I let my heart be my guide and just take a step back? I know that if things are meant to be then they will and nothing can stop them from happening. However, what if those things have gotten fucked with? How does that fit into the equation? Was I too fast to say/do things?

I've read my cards more times than I can count. I've done rune readings on top of that. I've had my runes and cards read and still, all the outcomes are the same. Yet, I'm still scared. I really don't want this person out of my life. I'd love to be able to rely on this person and vice versa when things get tough. I've been hasty in many of the things that I've said, and at least one of them I'm sticking too (not going to Club for a sad as that makes me) but the others I just don't know. I love this person and care about them and I know that the feelings are mutual. This person means the world to me and I know the friendship we have would exceed all others that I have with anyone else. But, what do I do? Like I said, do I risk loosing someone who means so much to me by just turning around and walking away? Or do I let my heart be my guide and just take a step back?
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