Dec 11, 2007 14:48
still havent found a better site than fitday, hence i have been ignoring logging in my food everyday. im pretty confident about everything i am putting in my mouth over the week, but it would be good to see what that looks like overall. i know i need to increase my exercise because right now it's at none. but im not really doing this to lose weight, even though it will be a nice benefit.
im fascinated by going to raw foods. although im not sure how i really feel about it. i realize that heat will change the properties of anything, but i dont know if it ruins food. and so far all the arguments i have read for going raw are spiritually based. not that im against being spiritual, im just not much of a spiritual person. and i dont really know if dehydrating food to prepare it would be any better. also, im not ready to give up meat, eggs and dairy products.
im pretty sold on the organic/all natural BS by this point. you know the feeling after you eat a big meal at chuy's? i used to feel that way after everything i ate. now after i eat i dont notice anything but feeling full. that's the way it's supposed to be. im excited about going nuts with this. i read the label of nearly everything i buy at the grocery store. it's AMAZING how much sodium is added to everything. and it's even more amazing how easy it is to avoid it if you just make the least amount of effort.
if anyone has any healthy recipes or organic or good raw food books to recommend let me know. or food journal site like fitday. i kinda want one where the focus isnt so much weight loss, but nutrional balance.