Nov 16, 2006 20:27
Or rather, Slow Mouse-wheel Gets Down local Guy. I went and bought a bunch of mice, that's a good thing. Trying them all out since the mouse I've been using is Ultimately Frustrating. But I'm trying to decide between a stack of defeciencies, and remember, you don't vote for, you vote against.
Which leaves me at a branching point, do I talk about approval voting - something I'm growing more and more fond of pursuing as an issue, or do I talk about how glad I am to see the truck in my garage with it's motor out?
Neither! I talk about the two insane women living in my house. Ok, when Rob's ex girlfreind, nutty as she is, tried to kill herself, I'll admit, I felt bad. But reasonably smug, too? Seriously. I mean, I just want her to go away, out of Rob's life, and out of mine - and I don't really care how as long as she doesn't take anyone with her. Everything she touches turns to shit. I don't exactly wish her harm, I just want her gone.
So, you ask, how is getting her gone going? Great, for a while - her mom came here to check on her, and take her back home. But then she gets in a fight with her roomates, and ends up staying here. Jesus. I dunno - I mean, rob asked if they could stay - which is only going to make them complacent. I said yes, and I'm regreting it, and it's only day one. I come home from work, a long, ridiculous day, and I'm ready to turn it into a positive experience by laughing it all away. So I start a little story telling, get a blank look. More telling, more blank looks. Eventually "I'm using my quiet voice because people are napping".
Fuck! I don't have a house of my own so I can quietly allow people who I really don't like and really owe me money and generally fuck up my shit to nap. Fuckers. Get a job. Get an apartment. Stop leeching.
Oh, hell. So, that means no movies, music, or talking cause it'd be inconciderate, right?
Sigh. So there goes all my nobility. Crushed beneath the pains of being the bigger person? Yeah, I dunno. Maybe she could cough up the $75 (and counting) I've spent on the shit bike I had to buy to replace the nice one I had leant her and she got stolen. I'm not even happy with the new bike, but fuck, how much am I suppose to spend? God, she upsets me.
Of course, women aren't helping. Not her, not CJ, not Nataliya. Not Pam... There's really no one and nothing that's interesting to me. They are either backstabbing, weak, cruel, or selfish. But most are some combination of them all.
At least my sister looks well lined up to get a job making almost twice what I've ever made. Shit, I need to get a job. It's retarded. Thank god Doug might come into town this weekend, it could very well be the highlight of my week.
Sigh. Yeah, I'm not even in a funk, I'm just plain annoyed. TTYL, all.