All hail the Cheif

Sep 29, 2003 13:12

Well, no. And not this fucking actor guy... I'm not happy about that. I need to... I wish I could find something to do - that guy's a death knell for anyone who works for a living.

How do these people get support? How do they get votes? I mean - isn't it insane? They come out, with varying degrees for subterfuge, and say "we're going to take all your money and give it to the rich. We're going to stop providing social sevices, stop paving roads, stop everything your life revolves around. We're going to shoot the economy all to hell so you get laid off and no one will be hiring. And, by the way, most of our freinds are theives who stiffed the state and the people to fatten their own coffers. In fact, they are so good at shafting you and getting away with it, we're going to make them our advisors". And people vote for them. How? Why?

Do people not realize the stuff that's going on? I mean - I've got facts, facts and figures, and if anyone has ANY doubt that what I say is true I'd be willing to talk it over with you until one of us changes our mind. But for the time being I'll assume you all know that the GOP is just a group of shameless self serving assholes running a secret society right out here in the open.

I can't understand why people would vote for them. It reminds me of the news item from Iraq where a bunch of drunk soilders went into a Zoo in Iraq that was closed, after hours. One of them went inside the outer cage of a Bengal tiger and tried to feed (tease? Who knows?)it through the inner bars. The caged animale bit off his finger, and tried to claw the soilder, then one of his freinds shot the animal dead.

When you do something stupid, and get screwed by it, I guess the best thing you can do is rationalize it and make a worse decision to try to help.

It reminds me of this time when I was in early high school. A freind was moving, and his father (religious right, as it so happened) was putting at TV into the moving van, but really doing it all wrong. I kept telling him it's not the right way, and it would break, and he gave me some silly bible quote that I don't remember... And kept shoving on it. Well, of course, the case of the TV split and the thing broke in three. That's when he says "See, son, that teaches you not to put your faith in material things. Follow the way of the lord".

WHAT THE FUCK?? Why not follow the way of common sense. But people get so used to turning a blind eye to problems. It's not a good thing. Then again, maybe I do that a bit myself in my relationship - at least I was a couple of months ago. Now I'm a bit more head on with my problems, but not like I used to be, you know?

Anyways, she DID buy a car this weekend, and didn't pay a lot for it. It'll be under warranty for 10 friggin years, so by then I'll know if I'm happy in the relationship or not, right? :-)

But now she can go to work herself on the weekend - when she works late I can get a chance to ride one of the motorcycles, all in all this should be a good thing. I was a bit worried about her being so broke because of payments and all that that she couldn't afford to move in with me, and then move out again. But I think it should be ok. She's only paying 160 a month plus another 100 for insurance. I have no idea what registration is like, but I imagine it's a couple hundred a year? Not a significant amount monthly. And then maybe gas... But at any rate, she's only sinking <300/month into the whole car owning experience, so it's not too bad.

This greatly encourages me to do up my car a bit. I'm not dumb enough to put an exaust system on there to make it loud and buy me a 5% horsepower boost and spend over a grand on it. I might concider a turbo somewhere down the road, but that COULD shorten the life of the motor significantly. :-) And it'd be an easy 8 grand all said and done.

But I would like to do the suspension a bit! Why not? I can do half of it myself, even with the shitty garage I've got. It's a great car, handles like a dream, but I think it'd be nice to have more connection to the road. It's a more mild, if better performing, sports car than my last couple. And I wouldn't mind a roll cage!

The only other upgrade it could use is installing one of my amps and some speakers. Still thinking about where, and how. There's not a lot of free space.

There's another girl here at work that's caught my eye, but to be honest, I'm going to give things with Jana another chance. I mean - why not? She's a great girl, and maybe her stress level will drop a lot once she can get herself to work early or leave late. Maybe things'll work out, you know? She's a great girl in general.

And maybe she CAN move in with us! I mean - I'll give it a month maybe, just to see if this car brings the rewards I expect. Then why NOT have her save some cash and move in with us? And for that matter, I'll be saving it too - and that's a good thing when you're looking at being unemployed in the tech field in a GOP economy...

Well, I guess I should get my samples done, and go off to one of the messsage boards to do battle with the uniformed right. :-)
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