worried about...

Jul 09, 2003 14:53

Well, I'm very worried about offending a certain someone - because obviously while this doesn't apply to her, it could come at a bad moment.....

It's my grandmother... I really don't care if she dies. I keep trying to care, and once in a while, she's a bit nice... But any bond we had has been torn assunder by her constant nagging for me to marry someone jewish. Fuck her. And every time I call her, she's mad that I don't call often enough. I just don't feel any obligation. her keeping my mother happy is the only thing she's got going for her.

well, enough of that. I'm a bitter asshole. :-)

I went to MN last weekend - wed night to monday night. Lordy that was a nice trip. Does it help that Jana healed up!? Yes! :-) She stopped packing my second day there, and stopped bleeding a day or two later. Really fucking nice. And speaking of fucking.....

My god! It was like... like when we first started dating! jesus. I mean - I was thinking it'd be weird being at her house with her folks and being wary of putting my arm around her, but shit.... we had more sex than.. that a person should. :-) Lots of it, and it was all pretty decent. She's really liking it, and it did a lot to bring us back together.

The whole trip was pretty relaxing. I ate a lot - too much! read a lot, went to my first drive in movie. Saw a sweet thunder storm. Met her family (well, maybe 20 of them) but also her freind's family... I was glad I did. Her freind's family furfilled all those horible stereotypes you could have about nasty country folk, and her family furfilled just the good ones. :-)

Anwyays, between relaxing, getting some time to ourselves, all the sex and reading.... Even the rampant humidity and stuff wasn't a problem. It was just a good trip. Even since we've managed a few decent bouts. I was really really feeling in love with her. It's still taking me a bit to get some of that long term stability/confidence in her.... and that's of course making other girls look a bit better... But really, I think I know what's up, and I'm happy that she's back in one piece. For her sake. And for ours.

Another play tonight (it's weird having them so close together! I wish they would spread them out more)... It's weird thinking I won't be able to use the J&J parking pass for all of the plays since I won't be working here through the end of the season. That's scarey - downright scarey. I don't know what to do...

Well, there's a good depressing entry from what was otherwise a nice day. I want my grandmother dead (or more correctly am indifferent to it), I'm worried about losing my job and I love my girlfreind but still find other girls interesting.

ha! god. I rule.
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