All I have to do is close my eyes and think

Aug 19, 2005 20:27


NuThInG has been really exciting. I have my summer reading to FinIsh and school semms to be drwing near.
UmMmMm... I went shopping for clothes and stuff. Ilike i said NuThInG exciting has happened.
I went suit shopping with josh and his mom and it was a TrIp. The guy was selling us the whole store (now i love dress shopping, more independent) it was so FuNnY. the guys gave us his card and I'm like thnx for giving us your card so we know who NoT to ask for. UmMmM... one fun thing i have done is watching joh's nieces and nephew. it was well entertaining to say the least. they are good kids though. I mean who doesn't liek to be sat on and hung upon? i mean come on. And bedtime story/talking time. hahaha they are so funny. ha and maggie with her sunglsses and hat. that was funny. would do it anytime lol cuz cameron is just getting so old lol. yeha iv'e been running too to keep the shape up lol. hmm i have been very random these past weeks.

...well they could be reeally old men with everlasting gas... hats... GERK... lol and josh swatign those fly while walkin home lol funny ish.
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