Sep 03, 2004 23:01
Dara sent me the FUNNIEST conversation between her and Dara. Not laughing at either of them in particular... the conversation just made me laugh. It was so pointless. Fightings pointless and it doesn't solve anything. And... gawd that was so funny. drugs don't kill you, btw, according to dylan. ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha HA HA HA. and... dara... you look like a dude XD. hahaha pffft, right. If Dara looks like a dude, then I'm going to marry a chimpanzee... and I just looked a Benji and he's definantly not a chimpanzee... so... i won't be marrying one. HAHA.
ahahahahahahaha mwahahahahahaha I had the greatest conversation with Katelyn where we talked NONSTOP about BENJI. it was so great. and cursing out some little seventh grader who was too afraid to say fuck, and had "I love you jeremiah" written in her info. BuTt lYkE jArUhMyA WrAngLe Iz MyNe B1Tch!!!12@!1!!!shiftoneone hahahahaha. I love people. People are so funny.
we picked jonathan up from college. We found some random guy in the hall and nicole is like "this is kelly" and I'm like "thats nicole" and we both pointed at my mom and says "that's cheryl" and he like, pointed at us and said our names again to make sure he got it right. He was trick or treating (because "alot of the people here are afraid to get fat so i take all their candy from them") hahaha. He was great. Then I said Hi to Robert Abood (jonathans roommate, who goes by Rob even though I just call him Abood). Jonathan hated us after that. HAHAHAHA.
Marylin Manson rocks. I had no idea nicole used to love them... or that she wanted to marry twiggy. That is so awesome (even though I'm more of a Ginger fan myself... he's sexy). We had the conversation because "Personal Jesus" came on the X so yeah. anyway...
fun day. People I plan to hug within the next week: Name boy, Abood, Katelyn, weird Jeremiah obsessed 7th grader, Dara, and Dylan. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA.
and lastly, I got 100% and 106% on two different things in Visual Communications. GO ME. That class is so awesome!