Animal Magnet of the wrong variety

Nov 20, 2008 22:31

So I do dog walking part time now, it's cash and at least it's getting me back into the working system without being stuck in a office job.

So one has been in the wars....I got chased by two rather angry swans who seem to collectivly stand just where I walk two beagles known as Bertie and Baxter. What it is, is this man feeds the ducks round this large pool known as Tee Lake and now the swans and the ducks automatically assume you will supply food or are anti dogs.....could be a mixture of the two.

So yesterday we started on our walk and managed to get past the swans without trouble as they had just stepped in the pool. One the way back, we (me and the dogs) just stepped in the water to wash my wellies (I have skull and cross bones ones..) and the just started charging at us. I have grown up around swans as they used to live around the pools near my old house and would always pass them on the way to school. Sadly alot died but that's another story. I was just putting baxter back on his lead when we had to make a quick getaway. They normally only charge if eggs or young are near but it's not that type of season yet.

So I escaped un hurt. Took the dohgs back home, rubbed them down, took leads of etc and gave them a buscuit each. Only I think Baxter thought my thumb and finger were part of the treat as he snapped his jaws shut. I was glad he caught my nail as he would have gone straight through my thumb but as result I now have a rather bruised nail.

So today I thought all would be well but no. I walk another dog called BillyBob straight after and he's a spaniel crossed with a poodle. Imagine the shape of a spaniel covered in spiral curles. He is very bouncey and has to remain on the lead at all times ahe he hates other dogs.

Happily walking away, he is running laps around me on the extendy lead when suddenly he yanks me in an off direction....I fall...hit my head. I didn't have chance to put arms out infront because of the direction which I fell and just hit my head on a stone or something. You feel so silly when you fall over and no one did a thing.

I get up and feel rather spaced out seeing stars instantly. I didn't black out but I must get this dog back home which is another 15min walk away. Not far but when you get the next few symptoms it becomes hard. I started to feel very sickly, dizzy (spent most of my time walking sideways than forwards and a thumping headache follows. I dropped him back home was stupid to then drive home and glad no police were around as 'm sure I was all over my side of the road. Got in and have the hugest lump situated just on the edge of my hairline right smack on the area of the right temple. My head starts to feel like it's exploding and a weird sensation of pain goes around my eye socket, across my cheekbone and down my nose. This was at 2pm and my head is really tender to touch.

Called my sister to let her know what happened as I'm home alone what with parents in the usa on holiday. Well you never know incase you pass out or something. Though I did lie down and promtly fell asleep (not sure if this was the best thing to do). Woke up to find both eyelids swollen and very uncomfy to look at stuff. Should be on here either but needed to email my boss.

I'm going to start wearing protection lol
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