And the Wild (job) Hunt Begins!

May 24, 2009 19:27

 Well, starts up again anyway. Working at the Hotel wasn't so bad, as long as the managers weren't there, but them bitches are crazy if they think they can do me however. Breanna worked there for almost a year and was way to stressed to be healthy. The managers treat people like they don't have things and loyalties outside the job, and sadly the people that work there don't have much of a choice, since for some it's a career and for others it's the reason they aren't on the streets. But if that spanish clown wants to tell that I don't know anything and needs more training(Which directly apposes the words of everyone I've worked with), and that I need to work more so her lazy ass won't need to be at the front desk so much and she can go in the back and talk and aim like the cupacabra, then that's their problem.

But now I have to try to find another job if I want to go to Japan next year. Gah, here it goes again.

really now

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