Dec 29, 2004 16:04
I hope ye all had a wunnerful Christmas.
Interesting sidenote, 'X' is an acceptable substitute for the word Christ, therefore, 'Xmas' is quite acurate.
It still pisses me off royally though.
I have got my ball dress! omgsqueeee! It is very pretty, and we love it yus.
The only issue is that i can';t eat anything between now and the ball, you can go seven months without food right? I'll just cut down otherwise I willnae fit back into it.
I hate this part. It's the lull between Christmas and new year. it's nearly all over, and next year is looming. I don't really want 2005 to happen. It's too scary for my liking, i have to do all my exams, and leave Cottenham. *shudders* I have to do loads of old stuff.