Sharon's Costume Party

Oct 30, 2006 17:47

Last Saturday, Lindsay's ex roommate Sharon invited us to her annual joint Halloween party. Her neighbors also have a party at their loft and guests go from one apartment to the other. Again, this year, it was a roaring success! The guys next door even set up a bar where you could order shots and beer!

Lindsay dressed up as a Moroccan Bong and I was Lenore!

Sharon, our bee-utiful hostess

Lindsay, the Moroccan Bong (that's a shisha pipe around her neck) and Jess, the Bavarian drunk

Ah... the German and the Jew... Whatcha gonna do?

JEM! I don't know who that is...

More people I don't know... I'm guessing Johnny Depp in Fear & Loathing, and CHUCKY the GOODGUY doll!

One of the most original costumes I've seen: a shower stall!

Une corde à linge!

And finally...

Me as Lenore, complete with Dead Kitty #53 and a giant knife!

Edit: I'm not resizing the pictures. Even though they're big-ish. They're pretty.
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