I found this article of FOXNews.com... I think Mel Gibson is really a big hypocrite if you ask me. And the problem is, I still like his older movies and he used to be one of my favorite actors. But ever since he did The Passion of the Christ (very good movie btw) he became all... weird.
The article:
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Granted, the homosexuality was acting, it was a movie. But the point is, real or not, if you can "pretend" to shoot someone in the face (thru a pillow) with a gun, and that's "ok" but someone can't "pretend" to be gay.... come on now.
Ducky and I have talked about homosexuality before, and she told me that one day "you'll have your freedom." That was in response to seeing something about racism and segregation.
If you think about it, homosexuality is much like racism. It's ignorance and close-mindedness over stupid things. But much like blacks/Jews have fought (and are still fighting) against persecution, so too are homosexuals. And one day, everything will be more openly accepted.
I still like Mel, I think he's just gotten a little strange since Passion of the Christ. And if he did say those things, while I still appreciate his acting, he's pissed me off.
Everyone's gotten crazy. Britney Spears for example used to be relatively normal--she was dating Justin Timberlake and then WHAM it seems overnight she went from being cute pop princess to white trash mother of two that can't get her partying under control.
I just do the, well, I like old movies (or music, depending on the person in question) and I'm not going to burn/trash the movies/cds and I'm not going to stop watching/listening to them because I still like them, but I sure as HELL ain't going to support that person in the future. *L*
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