Sep 07, 2004 17:03
Holly shit!! My brother is so fucking retarted he is yelling at me because Im on the computer and he has to get on to feed his neopet OMFG does he not have a fucking life he is how old 23? God grow up a fucking neopet its hungary I need to feed it seriously GET A LIFE!! ok but enough about my gay ass brother that doesnt have a life. Well lets see my day was really good except for the fact that like 2 people today asked me to do some drugs like I could of done coc it was in my fucking pocket but I didnt I gave it back to its owner. Then I came home and my brother asked me if I wanted to smoke a bowl with him holly shit what is it ask lou lou to do drugs day!! god! Its like I moved back here to get away from all this shit but it seems like whenever I try to get away from fucking follows me god all I want is to just live a day without being around someone on drugs or being asked to do some kinda drug like every other day Im asked to do something but Im strong I can say NO!! what you all should say! but anywho my brother is giving my 5 dollars to get off so Im gunna take that so I have to go so my brother can feed his neopet god he has no life I love you all but more than I love my Christopher baby I love you haha I love shout outs!