STILL Patient?, Grooving in Green and Down from Above at Fiddler's Elbow

Mar 30, 2020 18:11

Friday 13 March: STILL Patient?, Grooving in Green and Down from Above at Fiddler's Elbow

I guess that week all changed, the pandemic got more real and France closed its borders. The possibility of our wedding happening in April looked bad and the stress really set in looking at other options. It was a difficult time .
We thought this might be our last weekend out and a rare gig not cancelled so that night we went to see STILL Patient
Glad we did as saw some friends have not not seen in years. All the bands were amazing , first time seeing Down from above, and always fantastic to see Grooving in Green, his voice is just amazing. Still patient were fantastic, grateful for Ade for their discovery a few years back and I hope they can make it back to Germany.

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