I'm half the man I used to be.

May 13, 2006 20:55

I was in the hospital last weekend from thursday night to saturday morning. I have pre eclampsia and they won't let me carry the baby to full term because my blood pressure could sky rocket and it could kill me. Pretty much he is in prefect condition but I could die carrying him to full term. I could go into liver failure, kidney failure, have a stroke, heart attack, or siesures and all types of fun spiffy stuff. I have doctors appointments every half week now and have to check in at the hospital every week. I had to stop working a week ago too, because I have to be on bed rest.

The baby has been great. I have to fill out a kick chart and make sure he kicks at least ten times a day in a 3 hour span. The only thing he will respond to if I purposely try to make him kick is Joe's voice and freeze pops. He absolutely loves the sound of daddy's voice. Joe will put his head on different spots on my belly and talk to him and Mason will follow him around and kick where ever he hears Joe's voice. It's a cute little game we play. I'm just really amazed at how smart a baby can be in utero.

I've been getting contractions all day, but I think they are just Braxton-Hicks contractions. I had to check in at the hospital today and if my blood pressure was too high I would have had to be induced. Either way I'm expecting him within the next week or two.

The baby shower is on Sunday the 21st at 2P for whoever might want to come. He has got more toys, clothes, and blankets than we know what to do with so there is no need for presents. If anything bring diapers (doesn't matter what size because he'll eventually grow into them) or kiddie book I could read to him.
Thanks a bunch.Love ya's.
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