LJ Content Strike: Friday Mar 21

Mar 20, 2008 11:20

I'm never sure how effective one-day boycotts are. But I'm perfectly willing to join them. Especially given how SUP's director of blogs thinks " there's never been a successful company whose success was based on bowing to collective resistant forces"... note that he's calling his paying customers "resistant forces." (The full text of the interview is... informative. I'll leave it at that. Go boggle.)

Details of the boycott/strike available at http://beckyzoole.livejournal.com/395125.html.
(Starts at:
Thursday, March 20, 5:00 PM -- San Francisco; Los Angeles
Thursday, March 20, 6:00 PM -- Mexico City; Denver
Thursday, March 20, 7:00 PM -- Chicago
Thursday, March 20, 8:00 PM -- Montreal; New York)

I like thinking of it as a strike--it's a way to affirm that *we work for LJ*--we create something of value for them: Content that draws viewers who read ads, or might pay for an account later. That we don't "pay for a product;" we create a marketplace for their widgets. That without user-generated content, a great muchness of which is created by nonpaying users, it really doesn't matter how many layout options or tracking gizmos they come up with.

We're not their customers; we're freelance employees, working for access to the nifty rss aggregate that is the LJ friendslist and some of the coding features attached. And mostly, we're happy with that pay scale; we do this in our free time, at our leisure, by our own schedules and to the amount of our whims. But we're aware that we don't need to be HERE... we could have our own blog sites elsewhere, or be on FaceBook or MySpace or Tribe instead; we've chosen LJ because we liked the atmosphere, we liked what it used to stand for. We need to point out that if we're not respected, we can leave... that even if no other site offers the same e-widgets, we are not so stupid and addicted that we're unable to change. And hey... it wouldn't take massive leaving of LJ to make a huge impact... just a few less posts a month each, over time.

If your journal is googleable, please post about it; I like that the phrase "LJ content strike" gets 405,000 hits already.
Some people at InsaneJournal are planning (or quasi-planning) a meta-fest content spike for InsaneJournal. If you don't have a non-LJ account, now's a great time to create one, or use your openID to comment on IJ posts.

LiveJournal Content Strike, Friday, March 21, midnight to midnight GMT.
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