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I decided to endure the crowds and go out on my very first Black Friday shopping excursion. I had a hard time getting up so early because I didn’t get to bed early enough last night. Seriously, it was bad enough that I almost called it quits with a willingness to take any addition cost on future presents. Unfortunately, Alfred wasn’t going to let me sleep and I drug myself to the shower.
I wasn’t shopping for any big ticket items. I wasn’t about to go to Best Buy and wrestle some old woman for a 32′ flat screen HD TV. No. I just wanted to do normal holiday shopping and save a few bucks. Since stores are having store wide sales, I don’t need to be buying Playstation 3s in order to save. Every place was insanely crowded. It was a miracle that Alfred and I found a parking spot. Our plan was to stick to the Greenbrier Area since there they have a Best Buy, Babies R Us, Bed Bath and Beyond, Movie Stop and Target all together. All we had to do was walk down the sidewalk and go into each store.
I was able to get two things for my nephew, two things for my sister, a present for my sister’s boyfriend and a present for Alfred’s mother. Alfred already got his gift and now I just have to worry about my mother. All in all, I didn’t do bad considering my record on gift buying. When I was in school, I was so busy at this point that I didn’t have time to shop. These late November/early December days were once full of papers and final exams. Now there is… nothing. Just silence and time.
It is unreal and amazing how cut throat and rude people are. All in the name of peace and giving, they will elbow people in the ribs and knock them over to get a sale. I can’t believe that people so easily degrade to that level. I’m inclined to nod my head in agreement with Hobbes when I see people treat each other with such disrespect, especially when I read things like
this. It’s counter to the purpose of the holidays! What is it in these people’s minds that allows them to think that this kind of behavior is acceptable? That is doesn’t reflect poorly on them, their judgment and their nature?
My kid got a Wii and I only had to push down five people to get it.
I just don’t understand how the people who behave that way can’t see the error in this way of thinking! Do they just not care? Do they shrug their shoulders and say, “So? I have a Wii, don’t I?” And all the while, they are smiling with satisfaction because they are so kind and so giving this holiday season for being able to provide such a quality gift. The delusion of these people is mind boggling. It is absolutely toasty warm by the holiday fire.
‘Tis the season, I suppose.