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My mother is either naive or reckless.
I trusted her to find good, reputable companies. You know, do some research first. First, you find a company. Then you utilize the vast information of the world wide web by searching the reputation of the company, maybe read some reviews other past customers have left.
It occurs to me today, since my mother has to settle on a company tomorrow, that she might not have done this.
So, I go into her email account and start Googling the different companies she has gotten estimates from.
And holy crap.
She can’t trust ANY of them! We are at square one here. There’s no way she should leave her things, her entire life, in the hands of the idiots these companies seem to hire. All I see for every company she has spoken to are negatives and comments of things being stolen, broken or lost and never compensated for. My mother would be heartbroken if any of that happened to her.
We’re now back to square one at the crunch because my mother didn’t bother to research. She is still so new to the internet that she hasn’t learned that the internet doesn’t quality check. You search and you come up with a whole list of good and bad.
Now, I have spent the evening contacting GOOD companies. Hopefully we will be able to get quick estimates from them so that we won’t be pushed too far back. And not have to pay too much.