I did it! One Book Closer…

Jul 04, 2008 05:02

Originally published at Morbid Romantic. You can comment here or there.

A friend decided that he was going to help me complete my 28 Books in 2008 goal. He has a crap load of books and has already sent me our next book. With one completed, I am now one book closer to my goal… okay, so one book out of 28 by this time of the year isn’t that good. I lost an entire half a year. But, in my defense, I had a LOT to do. I finished college and then I did my student teaching. Neither one of those things were events to take lightly and they required every bit of my concentration. Still, I am proud to have begun to meet my goal. One feels a lot better than a big fat zero.

yey!, musing

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