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I had the strangest dream last night.
I can’t tell you much about the beginning or the sequence of events. When I remember it or try to feel it again, my brain associates it with oddness. Not nonsense, though; I get the feeling that it wasn’t a series of fractured, unrelated scenes. The setting was futuristic but not. I don’t get the feeling that it was supposed to be in the future. But, the colors were blue and gray, metallic and bright without being blinding.
I remember the end, though. At the end of it, a man and a woman were fighting. I mean, screaming fighting. He was waving his arms around in anger and said something that suggested finality. I don’t recall what he said, though, but it’s like, “Fuck this shit, I’m out.” But instead of leaving, he put his head in a microwave and turned it on.
My dreams have interesting camera angles, so the shot of his head exploding was from the inside of the microwave. Though, despite my love of gore movies, nothing splattered around the microwave. There wasn’t even the sound of anything. Just silence and his head suddenly vanishing.
I guess my brain was trying to protect me, though I certainly don’t give my brain that same respect when I watch horror movies all night long.
The scene after that was a room. Just dark room with a single white and blue bed, the colors blending so that everything seemed shades of gray. The bed had curtains so it was impossible to see inside, but the feeling was almost medical. It felt like the person in the bed was receiving a treatment of some sort. All of a sudden, over a loud speaker, came a steady woman’s voice that said, “You have hit reset. You will now experience the best dream you’ve ever had.”
I think this was supposed to be death.
But, I woke up. I just don’t know.