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Jul 24, 2006 05:06

The previous night I went to the chat-room of the group and found there _lore. We were soon joined by innerslytherin and then, as I was a bit bored, I asked them to give me a prompt for a drawble...and the fun started O.o!
This is the first of a long series:

Prompt by innerslytherin:- Remus asks Severus to join him for a tea

Then it was _lore's turn to give a prompt:
Prompt by _lore:-Severus takes the lead and pounces on Remus
Prompts by both innerslytherin and _lore:
Prompt:-Severus and Remus end up drunk while dancing


Prompt:-The morning after

Two or three hours later, also karasu_hime joined us...and asked for a prompt:
Prompt:-Severus with kitty ears and tail, and Remus with doggy ears and tail

dungeons_master came shortly after her:
Prompt: Severus coocks cookies and Remus decorates them

I then proceded to have a small break, waiting in the meanwhile for another prompt...And suddenly, everyone started to give me drabbless as a gift for my drawbles O.o!!! I'm still so very happy, I've never received drabbles for my art before...*gg*

Linkies to all the drabbles:

and a ficlet^^:

What a night, guys...I love you all so much ç_ç...*tears of happiness*

P.s: don't mind the crappiness of the drawbles...lack of sleep and hurry produced them...*gg*
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