One day I will post icons here. Today is not that day.
32 Twilight and related icons by
dorkfish04 Oh, Twilight. Need I say more?
22 Lost and 8 BSG icons by
adina_mpj I love the colour in these icons and the use of texture. So bright and vibrant.
Gossip Girl, Skins, celebrities and 10 Things I Hate About You icons by
electrical_s These have such a dreamlike quality about them. They're colourful and as a post it's hard to know where to look because it's full of awesome.
126 icons of celebrities, Gossip Girl, movies, Skins, etc by
mayush17 I am in love with the clean look of the majority of icons in this post. Everything is so sharp and bright but even the texture use doesn't look overdone or like it's being used at all. Nice and simple, bright and clean.
Huh. Looking at the icons I picked for each post and the ones that I was most attracted to it would appear that I'm most attracted to centre crops and facial close ups. Interesting.