Two posts within a few days of each other and the world isn't coming to an end. Is it? These are more of the older icons. I'm trying to spread them out some so I don't end up posting a hundred icons at a time, to give me some leeway if I get behind with them and also, because I'm weird. spuzz doesn't understand how I can sit on all these icons without posting them and honestly, I have no idea either, LOL.
* Commenting is love. Nominations are also adored. * No hotlinking and, ya know, don't claim as your own. Mmkay? * Gradient/brush/cap credit is in my resource post. * Blanks are not bases. Do not customize. Please don't ask, the answer is no. * Please credit marishna and not the community. Thanks! * Last time: a Gossip Girl tutorial and 25 Skins and SPN icons, along with 75 icon textures * Next time: Hopefully the request icons. These are still old icons I'm posting and will be for... awhile.