can taste the blood that i leave in your mouth?

Nov 09, 2004 19:49

Name: Trish
Age: 16
gender: female
Crush's name: Anderson, John Anderson
Ex's name: Kevin
DOB: 11/20/88

Day of the week: eh, friday or saturday
Candy flavor: donno
Type of milk: chocolate
Planet: Saturn, Mars or Pluto
Constellation: their all really cool
Sci-fi character: Telck (sp) from SG1
Comic book character: Spider-Man
Comic book writer: ?
Video game: i suck at most of them
Movie: Tower Recods, The Breakfast Club, and um....
Tv show: Law and Order SVU
Friend: donno
Name: Skyler
Piercing: any/librat (sp?)
Hair color: doesnt really matter
Country: England
Ocean: eh,
Land mass: eh,
Geographical landmark: uh,
Mathmatical equation: 3+865+54654*6556-685/120*0+482-597653+46465*646253*0+35983
Joke: dont have one
Fuzzy Object: my slipers/ the pink fuzzy hand cuffs that i had stolen from John
Magazine: Revolver
Grandparent: uh,

This or That...
Blundgeoned to death or drowning: Blundgeoned to death
fire or ice: fire
(same) hot or cold: cool/warm
men or women: men
old or new: depends
Bed or couch: depends
Tv or computer: depends
Asleep or awake: asleep
Deaf or blind: blind
No food or no drink: no food
No mind or no heart: no mind
No friends or no love: no friends
No life or no happiness: no life
Politics or religion: neather
Money or fame: depends

Would you ever...
kill a man: maybe
kill a woman: maybe
kill a child: never
have an abortion: if i found it fit i would
have sex with someone you'd know for a day: no
... for a week: no
... for a month: no
... two months: no
... six months: maybe
... one year: maybe
... How long: whenever I feel comfortable
have unprotected sex: if i wanted a child, but i would still take procotions
Have sex with a member of the opposite sex:  yes
... with the same sex: eh, it would all depend, but im willing to try almost anything once
Drink alcohol: mmmhm (haha John Golden)
Do illegeal drugs: prbably not, but like i said, ill try almost anything once
Smoke: no
kill an animal: only if it was an accident
eat an animal: been there done taht?
eat a human: no
Become a house wife: maybe
find religion: im looking into Paganism
lose religion: i guess

Why is the dead sea called the dead sea: because its where all the bad people live and yeah
How many feet are there in a mile: 5012?
Name three religions besides Christianity, Judism, and Islam: Wicca, Paganism, and Neo-Pagamism
What is REM: a band that had been around a really long time
Is a worm an insect: no
What was the first televised event?: supper bowl?
Can chickens fly under their own power: only if they just off the sheld thinngy
Name the capital of three Asian countries: like i know

Have you ever...
Seen a friend naked: almost
Seen a sibling naked: probably
Seen a stranger naked: No.
Liked someone you shouldn't: mmmhm
Kissed someone you shouldn't: probably
Placed the blame on someone else: mmmhm
Taken a beating: mmmhm
Watched someone else take a beating: mmmhm
Screamed for fun: yup
Called 911: no but i was there when my cusin did
Called 911 on a false alarm: Nope
Sung songs from Rocky Horror Picture Show: nope
Lied: mmmhm
Cursed at a teacher: wanted to
Hit a teacher: ^^
Smacked a friend: mmhmm

Do you love: a silly little man
Do you hate: a kid
Do you go to for comfort: a silly little man
Do you like to hug: ^^, uh, and anyone else, i LOVE HUGS!! *hug*
Was your best kiss: the time that i was with a silly little man in his room all alone
Was your first kiss: kiss? Mike M

Why do you take these quizzes: boredom.
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