Mar 08, 2009 13:53
Smooth, Rabs. Sleep for twelve hours, why don't you? XD;;
I had the most bizarre dream today, though. X_o. Srsly. I dreamt that I went to the zoo to see my grandparents, and in going there, was jumped by my Uncle Jim and had to run screaming for a while in good fun. o_O; And then, we talked and then I saw Alex in a strange museum portion that was like, glorifying a bus-driver elvis kind of guy. I don't know. And to get back to the rest of the zoo from where we were, we had to do leaps of faith to busses that we couldn't see from a platform several feet up. Thankfully the busses were stationary, and we knew they were there because that's how we got up in the first place, but it really wasn't fun trying to get the person in the bus to use momentum to sway the busses into place so that you could either land on the roof when you jumped or go through the hole cut in the roof.
And then I messed up the positions of the busses for EVERYONE ELSE, because I'm mean like that. And when I woke up, it was two in the afternoon. XD;; Oops?
My tooth hurts. >_>; Sigh. Time to call the dentist soon and try to find out what I need to do to get it pulled /after/ the wedding. (by then it totally won't hurt again. e_e;)
i don't know,