May 13, 2008 20:21
Sometimes, you get inspired by music.
I get inspired by music LOTS of times.
And then I noticed, listening to "Today's Lesson" (NCBS! <3!) that uh. Mr. Cave, you sure do make an awful lot of songs about Jane/Janey/Janie and other lots of songs about (Mr/The) Sandman. DO YOU EVEN NOTICE?
So, now I have a confused, angry pubescent killsassin running around my brain with a gun shoved in the seat of her pants. >_> Who's only answering to Jane, much to Schuylkill!Jane's annoyance/frustration/notreallynoticingatallness.
Weird, fake country? HERE I COME.
Why? BISHEN HALLOWEEN. Because no one else can properly entertain me.
So cross your fingers. I'm calling dibs on killsassins and societal commentary of weirdness this year.
So much for killing zombies. >_>;
nick cave,