In-Service days at once SUCK HORRIBLE ASS and kick butt. :D I hate learning, but simultaenously love it when I can pick on/be picked on by the 70-some-year-old Ruth who is the namesake of my
CRAZY SODALITE UNDEAD-SMITING BISHEN OF DOOM. :D She wore go-go boots when she moved to Oley. She's totally my heroine. *__*
Anyway, yes. So, at once I was bored off my head and wanted the day buh-bai, and on the other half, I love Ruthie, so I was properly entertained. Plus I love being a know-it-all and can rattle off our shelter-in-place codes like WOW. >__>;
Now I have to go drop my Mom's crap off at her house. Bo-ring. >_>; Anyway. Then I'll be home for the night, and hopefully properly FED. >__> If she makes me wait around for food, I'm gonna smite her til next Thursday. They don't feed us properly at inservices.
Phone. Off I go.