(no subject)

Apr 16, 2007 21:00

Fell asleep at 22.30 last night. Which meant I woke up half-way through the night going "O__O THERE ARE TIGERS IN MORROWIND! I AM NOT SLEEPING! STRANGE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO --wait. e__e shut up, brain." Oh right. /THIS/ is why I don't bother gaming during the week. XD; Duh.

Nor'easter finally clipped its way down south here. Which means that it's SNOWING. In APRIL. e__e; YOU DIDN'T SNOW ALL DECEMBER GAH! *SHAKE WEATHER* On the bright side, I will get my hope of ":D SIX DEGREES, AND THEN NINETY! BAAHHAHAHA!" With luck. ^^;

iPod shipped this morning. Delivery is expected by the nineteenth. I have to keep an eye on the shipment so I can estimate what day it will actually arrive, so I can leave my pre-signing paper taped to the door. ^^; Looking very forward to this. *happy dance* ^^;

Meanwhile, will have to decide which of my ten gigs of music I want on the iPod. o_O This will be... frustrating. XD;

Meanwhile: Must replace Star Trek with Stargate on my television. >__> *Goes to pull dvds out of room* Yay for nerdiness. XD; The only reason I'm not watching Trek? Deanna Troi is a whore and Reicher's an ass. :D *CHIR*

*SKIP!* ^^;

ipod, morrowind, sleep, stargate, snow, dreams, music

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