Yesterday was a good but exhausting day. I really wanted a nap half-way through, and only managed a forty-some minute one because Mom tried to start talking to me and reminded me that it was still daylight. e__e So I couldn't get back to sleep.
Called Qui to complain that I couldn't sleep because it was now too bright but my head was all lightheaded and sleepy, wound up instead complaining that the characters in my head were being insane and dancing ala Fred and Ginger. So, wound up doing sketches and cracking myself up hysterically. Have one more to do, and then I will post links. Of course, you can cheat and stare at my gallery and try to find them. >__> I won't stop you there.
*YAWN* Really really sleepy!Lilu. ;__;
Think this should have been a 3-day weekend. >__> Easily.
I would play sick, but um. So not my style. e_e
My k'd had their kittens last night (or rather, Uny scanned them and threw them at me XD) and so I spent like an hour of hyperactive "*SQUEEBOUNCE!*" which invariably makes me a bit exhausted. <3 It's kind of like, triggering my bipolarity. Being excited for too long makes me a super bitch, so I have to shut the happy down as soon as I start feeling crazy. >__>;; Also, got MORE!K'd because Uny had spares and went "O_o um. but they need homes and something makes them impossible to give to whom I wanted... SO EVERYONE HERE GETS SOME :D."
One of them is named Flopponder. I'm pretty certain another one is Cindersong, but I'll have to check the records on that, since those are both kinda common names.
The only kitten I have a name for is the one I gave to Qui, whom we named Flash, because heh as like, red lightning bolts on him. And I really really really want to name my black/red one (who looks like she has white frosting like Glory, but I could be wrong) Macabre, though actually I think her name will be Stygian. Thon's kind of got a whole list of family names, and I'm sure it makes her happy to be able to use at least one. XD;; Considering her last one reminds me of s'mores. :D Which gives Thon and Glory a headache. X3
Also got a kitten from my pairing Capricdoggerel and Patternedparoxysm together. ITS A TINY BLUE/GREY TIE-DYE FLUFF BALL X3 GHEE. He's so effing cute. One day, one of his kids will have goat feet like his daddy. X3
I also got a partial-runner puppin (half puppy, half kitten?) from Qui's Snare/Sky litter. OMG SHE'S SO CUTE. @___@ .... Though she's a complete spacecase. She's spending her days staring idly around my brain like all the really really brilliant kids in my daycare center, and giving me slow, kind of lilting and utterly vacant comments on things. "My feet are purple" seems to be her favourite one. XD
I'm going to have to write like hell, too. Uny's having her annual birthday clutch of THINGS!! and this time it's Saa. I want a Saa very badly. Which means I guess I'm going to use the irish story that's been wandering around my head since Saturday. I'll have to make it more SciFi, because there's parts of it the flowershow that, despite trying to be all "WOO CASTLES AND MYTHICAL BEASTS" was actually quite "TELEPORTATION POD AND SCIENTASTIC CRYSTALS!!"
What will this pertain? Two words: Wishing Tree. Which, I suppose, could easily tie into Qui's prompt over at
pageperday quite easily. XD;; Having confused wishes is always a good thing. X3 Like, what if you make too many at the same time, and they all come back jumbled and confused. *SNICKER*
Bah. It's time for work. Well, the Society Ball is still going well in my head, despite half of them being shitface drunk. So, it can't be that bad of a day. XD;;
I need to get leashes for my characters or something. I so knew this was going to happen, and I still complain. XD *CRACK UP GLEE* Oh well. <3 X3