**The Basics**
Name:Marie, but I also go by Damanta
Age and Birthday:April 3,1989=16
Sexuality:gender is just a technicality. I like who I like, male or female.
Location:Lowell, Ma
Marital Status:single
Bands/Singers:Acid Bath, Android Lust, Christian Death, Cradle of Filth, Dresden Dolls, HIM( and a lot more, but I could go on all day. These are my absolute favorites.)
Movies:The Crow, Interview With The Vampire, Phantom of the Opera, Nightmare Before Christmas, Hannibal, just about any horror movie, new or old
Books/Authors:just about anything by Anne Rice or Stephen King, but I *love* The Mummy(Ramses the Damned) by Anne Rice, and 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King. Just about any supernatural book, particularly those about vampires, are well-liked by me. Unless the author is horrible.
Communities (rating or non):
http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=__ville_valo__http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=_xunwantedx_http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=herpphotography Article of Clothing:I love long skirts and fishnet tights. I also like boots, but I'm particularly fond of jewelry, especially chokers and collars.
Store/Website:Spencer's is my favorite store, because they have all the jewelry and such, fairly cheap. My favorite website is www.dracinabox.com even though I have not yet been able to buy anything through it.
"Here I stand
empty heart empty hands
when all is silent I lay defenseless
in my solitude
scattered dreams wasted dreams
this will denied
I have come to this land filled with hope to understand
when all is used up will I wash away
and cling to this in desperation?"
-Android Lust, Panic Wrought
Instrument and Why:Well, personally I love the sound of guitar music, anything type. I'll soon be learning to play, something I've wanted for a long time. My reasoning is that the guitar music can be used as a reflection of what you're feeling. Previously, I have been content with singing but as of late, I realize more directly that an instrument is more practical than voice, because your instrument won't get tired.
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? Why? I would be a bit taller. I really don't mind being short, because height isn't everything, but people seem to take tall people seriously. I mean, sure. They'd probably take me seriously if I gave them a ton of shit, but that's not very nice, now is it? I'd like to have people stop saying I'm the height of a 12 year old.
What is something you find beautiful? I find death beautiful, as cliche as that might be. Death is a release from our world, from the daily trials we have to go through. Death can be harsh and ugly, but in all its brutality, there is also a hint of something different, something more elegant.
What is something you find "ugly" (not necessarily in a physical sense)? I find people who are very shallow, or people that use others, to be ugly. If all you can focus on is physical aspects of another person and choose to like or dislike them for that reason alone, your own beauty is somewhat diminished, in my eyes at least. People that use others for their own gain are ugly as well, because each person has the same rights and needs as the next.
What are your hobbies/interests? I am extremely interested in martial arts, herpetology, music and photography.
-I have a green with a stripe belt in Hawaiian Shaolin Kempo, and I love it. I have been at my dojo for 3 years now, entering my fourth.
-Reptiles have been a passion of mine for around 8 years. I love observing them in the wild on family trips, and interacting with the family pets. My reptiles include: 13 Bearded Dragons, 5 Leopard Geckos, 2 Mali Uromastyx, 2 Rankins Dragons, a Frilled Dragon, and a Crested Gecko.
-I have been a vocalist in several local bands, and asked to join others. Unfortunately, none of it has worked out, but I am hopeful that someday I will find a band situation that works out.I'll continue wriying and singing on my own until then.
-I love to take pictures, and have pictures taken of me. I am very much an amateur, but I enjoy taking them nonetheless. Black and White pictures are my particular favorite.
Tell us something interesting about yourself: I come from an all Catholic family, but do not have the same beliefs myself. I believe in a higher Spirit, but not that it is necessarily a god or that it interferes with our daily life. People created the idea that this highe Spirit would help them because they could not accept the idea of just helping themselves.
**And Finally**
How would you define a "morbid beauty"? A morbid beauty is someone who is outspoken about their beliefs, even those not accepted by the general society. A person both beautiful on the inside or outside, who sees the beauty in pain and suffering as much as in happiness and joy.
Why do you belong here? I am very outspoken about my opinions. I am beautiful inside and out, perhaps more so beautiful on the inside, but I go through life seeing and accepting the beauty of all things. Also, though I am young, I am fairly intelligent.
How did you find out about this community? I was browsing through different communities, and there it was.
What will you bring to this community? I will bring my opinions, as well as try to help the community be successful and flourish, perhaps even help it come back to "life".
**Picture Time**
(You must post at LEAST 3 clear photos)