Dear Overcrosser 2018

Aug 21, 2018 17:40

This is my letter for the
crossovering | Crossovering fic and art exchange for crossover works. We're coming to the end of sign ups - if you love crossovers, go check it out! This is one of my favourite exchanges for the year.

Dear my author, and anyone else who's curious,

This letter is intended to complement my prompts for specific crossovers and fusions. Those prompts can be found on the middle of this page.

General likes

For crossovers and fusions specifically: My favourite things are stories that take note of both canons' worldbuilding and underlying rules and remix them together. I love original characters and outsider viewpoints in crossover fic, and I love stories that create a world that bridges two canons rather than representing one or the other fully faithfully. After that, I most enjoy fusions, and stories that either imply that the two canons always took place in the same world, or use canon-plausible portals/travel.

More generally: I love competence and loyalty. I like uplifting and hopeful messages, and protagonists who champion them. I also like antagonists with strong motivations and critiques of the protagonists' goals. Characters are welcome in any shade of grey. People screwing up and then learning from their mistakes is also welcome. I love magical realism, dramatic weather, trains, telepathy, dragons. For porn, I love dubcon, noncon, telepathy, touch starvation, praise kink, and awkward-but-not-emotionally-disastrous sex. I love mentors and protegé(e)s, and identity porn. (In the context of this exchange, identity porn where a character was always from another universe and has been hiding it for a while might be fun!) I love Big Damn Hero moments, and people who are just trying to make it by in a weird world. I love it when authors incorporate something about which they have a lot of specialized knowledge.

Please don't feel constrained by either my AO3 prompts or my fandom notes. I like a lot of things, and I look forward to receiving something I didn't expect as much as I look forward to you fulfilling my specific prompts.

General dislikes

DNWs: Amnesia; substance abuse, addition, really self-destructive behaviour based on substance abuse; graphic harm to hands.
Exceptions: amnesia is fine in canons where it's already present, such as The Good Place, Interstella 5555, and Dollhouse, if you use it in a similar way to how it's used in canon. I don't want to be surprised by it popping up in a new way that doesn't follow from existing worldbuilding, and I don't want to see it involved with romantic tropes. I hope that leaves you plenty of room to work!

Specific canons

Bad Blood - Taylor Swift (Music Video)
I like the impractical, over-the top costumes and weapons, all the pretty fight sequences, and the giant, inviting gaps in the worldbuilding. Basically, how has any of this come to pass, and what happens next? I feel as though this canon could add an extra layer of fascinating weirdness and drama to any other canon, or another canon could explain it. No particular character preferences, though I'm curious about Headmistress, Arsyn, and the Trinity.
Requesting with: Hunger Games, Jupiter Ascending, Sucker Punch

Black Jewels - Anne Bishop
I love the indulgent fantasy of this canon: psychic powers, loyalty kink, sacrifices, found family, a Chosen One resisting the Corruption of Society... Then there's the "sorting" aspect! Jewel colours, Landens and Blood, different Realms and Races: the most codified parts of this could be great fun to blend with another canon. I'm fascinated by pre-Jaenelle eras, and the fate of Terreille in late-/post-canon times. For characters, I can't think of anyone I dislike, but especial bonus inclusions would be Wilhelmina, Saetan and Sylvia (especially together), and members of Jaenelle's coven, especially if we see them ruling their own Territories.
Requesting with: Dollhouse, Madoka, Person of Interest

Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis
This is a recurring fandom for me. I enjoy Lewis' wry asides, and the sense of exploration and discovery, and the animal and mythological characters, and the way that inner and outer quests are tightly bound. I'm fond of all of the Friends of Narnia, though at a guess, Diggory, Polly, Lucy, Edmund, and Jill seem the most interesting to me. I enjoy reading about the White Witch, Archenland, and Tirian and Jewel. Exploring the edge of the map is always fun (especially if going in a direction canon didn't), or lesser-written ages of canon.
Requesting with: Labyrinth, Utena

I enjoyed the combination of tropey indulgence "these people can be anything for you" / "it's about what you need" with questions of ethics and developing technology that ultimately shook society. My favourite show characters include Caroline, Whiskey, Adelle, Sierra, Priya, Victor, Anthony, and Bennett, though I'm also fond of Topher and Dominic. I'd love seeing the technology, or just the ideas of people evolving through added memories, or people becoming what they need to be according to someone else's whim, incorporated into other canons. I'd also love it if in another modern-day-ish canon, you wrote in subtle or unsubtle hints that Dollhouse events are happening at the same time.
Requesting with: Black Jewels, Madoka, Person of Interest

Dragonriders of Pern - Anne McCaffrey
This canon got to me early and filled me with a love of friendly dragons, telepathic companions, socially mandated sex-pollen, and to a slightly lesser extent, feudal societies rapidly accelerating in technology, and education/journalism/politics through song. Any of those aspects (though especially the dragons) would be great to integrate into another canon, and for a Pern setting, I'm particularly interested in characters making the transition between an Interval and a Pass or vice versa. I like Moreta, Oklina, Debera, F'lar, Lessa, F'nor, Brekke, Manora, and Mirrim especially, if you want to showcase those characters or set them down in another world.
Requesting with: Kingsman, Pokémon

Fairy Tales
I have a lot of favourites, and I really enjoy seeing people dig into their patterns and their quirks. See my previous prompts for the Once Upon a Fic exchange, in subcollections of the parent collection, for some particular favourites; I am also fond of ones I've written in in the past. I enjoy the cosy just-world fallacy of nice things happening to nice people & bad things happening to bad people, and I enjoy when this is subverted with a vengeance. I enjoy quests for beautiful magical objects and animal companions. I adore a sense of the weird and the numinous, and especially, rules and quests bigger than oneself, which one can elevate oneself to or past by following.
Requesting with: Greek and Roman Mythology

Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies)
These movies are among my favourite parts of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I like the balance of non-stop quips and feelings that run deep. I love Gamora & Nebula's relationship, and Rocket & Groot's relationship, and am very fond of Quill, and enjoy the overall sense of found family. I like the potential for either saving the galaxy or going on a totally ridiculous (and irresponsibly executed) mission. I have also seen Infinity War; feel free to either ignore or incorporate those events.
Requesting with: Interstella 5555, Silver Metal Lover, Tiger & Bunny

Greek and Roman Mythology
I like the sense of the gods' human or super-human emotions juxtaposed with their powers; in every way, they are larger than life. As with fairy tales, I like the sense of a different logic to the world. In contrast to fairy tales, I like exploring the sense of inherent unfairness I get from many mythological tales: disproportionate punishments and rages, senseless fates; the great imbalance between gods and men. I love the idea of nymphs and dryads and nereids, and other elemental figures. Animal and tree transformation stories are interesting to me. Some figures and stories that have particularly captured my imagination: Cupid and Psyche; Prometheus; Pandora; Orpheus and Eurydice; Apollo and Artemis; Demeter, Persephone, and Hades; and Amalthea, Atalanta, Hestia, Mercury, and Chrysaor, though I don't really know much about those last five. (If treating with Persephone and Hades, I prefer versions where she was seized against her will, whether or not there was reconciliation later.) Sorry about the mix of Roman and Greek names! Please use which names feel right for you and the sources you are using.
Requesting with: Fairy Tales

Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins
I enjoy the dystopian system and the glory of the Capitol's tech set against the justified fury of the Districts. I enjoy the relationship between Victors and Tributes, and how even if you win it's not remotely over. Worldbuilding welcome; other canon characters in the system welcome. For canon characters, I'm particularly fond of Katniss, Cinna, Prim, Effie Trinket, and Haymitch.
Requesting with: Bad Blood, Jupiter Ascending, Sucker Punch

Interstella 5555
Interstella 5555 has the most absurd Plot To Gain Supreme Power I've ever seen, wrapped up in cheerful visuals and Daft Punk's iconic music. I have so many questions! Especially, what's really the deal with this world if it looks just like ours, but one person apparently has the means to kidnap people from other planets? Are there others across the world who similarly have access to secret technology? What happened with the previous kidnappings? I also feel it's very versatile if you want to go either light or dark with your story. All the characters are fun (I'm especially fond of the record studio guy with glasses). If using Stella and Shep, I'd prefer that Shep's crush on Stella not be the main focus of the story.
Requesting with: Guardians of the Galaxy, Silver Metal Lover, Tiger & Bunny

Jupiter Ascending (2015)
So: space bureaucracy, a fully committed teenage girl fantasy, power games, messed up siblings, and part-animal supersoldiers WITH WINGS. There are so many tropey elements that would be fun to mix and match with other canons. I also enjoy Jupiter, Caine, Kira, Kalique, and Seraphi in particular.
Requesting with: Bad Blood, Hunger Games, Sucker Punch

Kingsman (Movies)
I like the sense of fun and high stakes and the love of Bond; I love the feats of timing and athleticism and the loyalty kink. I really like the mentor-mentee bonds, whether between Harry and Eggsy, or Merlin and Eggsy and Roxy (I also ship Harry/Eggsy, Harry/Merlin, Merlin/Eggsy, Merlin/Roxy, various threesomes among those) and I love Eggsy and Roxy as teammates. Original characters also welcome. Feel free to handwave the second movie; feel free to handwave deaths and similar aspects of the status quo. Individual Statesman characters were fun, but the organization as a whole tipped over into "too silly" for me. (Yes, I know, hypocritical.)
Requesting with: Dragonriders of Pern, Pokémon

Labyrinth (1986)
I like the fantastical world, the power of story, and the power of wish and will. I like the exploration of the way expectations shape reality, and I love the range of moods, from frightening to absurd. I love Sarah's friendship with Hogget and Sir Didymus and others, and also her much more complicated relationship with Jareth. I love that she is aware of her own power. I love Jareth’s own changeling, reflective nature. I like to think that we never see all of him. I definitely ship Sarah/Jareth (though, optional!). I'd also love to know more about Jareth's world - and how Sarah's book came to be. A future Toby interests me too. I'd enjoy seeing other canons' characters in a Labyrinth-esque setting or Sarah and/or Jareth interacting with others.
Requesting with: Narnia, Utena

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika | Puella Magi Madoka Magica
I love the balance of dark and light; I love Madoka's courage and humility; I love Homura's loyalty (obsession) and desperation; I love Kyubey's alien logic and that in its own way it is trying to save the universe. I adore the art, especially of the witch labyrinths. I love the magical girl powers and the ordinary parts of the world, and especially the relationship between Madoka and her mother. I really love everyone. I particularly love the exploration of the dangers of sacrificing yourself to save others, and the conversation Madoka and Junko have about mistakes.
Requesting with: Dollhouse, Person of Interest, Black Jewels

Person of Interest
I like this canon's exploration of applied knowledge as power; I like that disparities of information explicitly lead to enormous power imbalances. I also have an uncomplicated love for the idea that the people with the information are trying to make the world a better place. I love Finch and Reese and their relationship (ship is welcome), I like the Machine and Grace and Zoe Morgan and Control and Fusco, and although I'd prefer she wasn't the only PoI character to show up if you're using PoI characters, I like Shaw. I like the sense of technology inexorably changing society, of things that can't be put back in the box once they've been taken out.
Requesting with: Dollhouse, Madoka, Black Jewels

Pokémon - All Media Types
I love both the utopian image of humans and intelligent-or-sentient animals working together, and the darker and weirder corners of the Pokémon world. I especially love the exciting sense of discoveries to be made and worlds to be explored that has always been a cornerstone of the canon for me. I'm familiar with the anime through Johto, the main game series through Ruby & Sapphire, and Pokémon Go, but if you want to refer to characters and Pokémon from other parts of canon, go ahead - please just include notes for me at the start or end of the work. I like Gold and Silver, and for a handful of Pokémon I particularly like: Golem, Raichu, Cubone, Eevee, Unown, Gastly, Umbreon, Oddish, Bulbasaur, Mareep, Scyther, Dragonair, Absol...
Requested with: Dragonriders of Pern, Kingsman

Shoujo Kakumei Utena | Revolutionary Girl Utena
I love these messy, fierce, imperfect characters against their background of ritual and archetype. I love the straight-faced weirdness of witches and heart-swords and how that merely sets the stage for very petty, very eternal conflicts. Each time I watch the show I have a new favourite character. I don't hate any of them. I'd love to see these characters in any other canons (perhaps pre- or post-Ohtori?), and I'd love to see other characters and canons integrated into Ohtori. More magical realism would be a bonus.
Requesting with: Labyrinth, Narnia

The Silver Metal Lover - Tanith Lee
This is a beloved nostalgia fandom, and one of the things I remember it for mostly fondly is, weirdly enough, Silver and Jane painting their apartment together. I loved Jane discovering herself in all kinds of ways but especially in learning how to learn while she carved out a place in the world that she had the power to change. Anyway. As well as containing that sense of self-empowering domesticity, and the sense of us-against-the-world, I'm hopeful that this is a canon that will cross over well with my other choices because of its emphasis on art and music, and its placement at the cusp of societal change due to robots.
Requesting with: Guardians of the Galaxy, Interstella 5555, Tiger & Bunny

Sucker Punch (2011)
I love the worldhopping and the narrative play regarding whose story this is. I loved its throughline of anger. I enjoyed the sacrifices, though I'd be happy (-ier?) if everyone made it out alive, and the different fields of battle. I love all the "girls", though particularly Baby Doll, and Sweet Pea and Rocket and their relationship.
Requesting with: Bad Blood, Hunger Games, Jupiter Ascending

Tiger & Bunny
I really enjoyed the idea of scripted (or not-so) superheroing, and the exploration of what it meant to be a hero in that context (both the fun sides and the emotionally devastating sides). I enjoyed how all the team played off against each of the others. Kotetsu, Barnaby, Kaede, and Agnes Joubert especially won me over, and Lunatic was a lot of fun to explore, but I'm also very fond of Karina, Keith, Nathan, and Ivan. I'm interested to get a further view of Stern Bild society.
Requesting with: Guardians of the Galaxy, Interstella 5555, The Silver Metal Lover
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fandom, dear writer, crossovering

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