Some blah.

Apr 26, 2007 17:34 was Anzac Day yesterday. Unfortunately it was raining and quite bothersome to be outside.

And it's amazing how children are turning out these days. I mean, they're absolutely delightful little scumballs, aren't they?

Let me relay a very short story of something that happened while I was walking to the bus stop.

A little girl of about what...10 years old was riding on a pink bicycle down the sidewalk I was walking on, from the opposite direction.

She passes by next to me and says, "FUCK CHINESE!" and rides off.

Now I was a bit too O.o to actually respond. What ARE parents teaching their children these days? Or really, what is the educational system doing about kids these days?

Or maybe the kid is just an idiot?

Oh well, I hope that someone pushes her off her bicycle. Really, someone should.

^__^ Yes, fuck racist mini-bitches like you, little girl ^__^

I knew there was a reason I never wanted children.

rants, real life

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