[for kitty] force witches? you're kidding, right?

Jan 12, 2011 21:30

[ following this]

The fight over who drove the speeder had been short-lived and...somehow...Anakin lost. He comforted himself with the idea that he'd gone easy on her, injured hand and all. And of course, the injured hand had meant he could just bundle her straightaway over to the medkit when they got on board his ship.

Normally, a Jedi on a solitary mission would have a smaller ship, possibly one of the new Aethersprite class starfighters the Jedi had been using. Anakin suspected he'd been assigned a large, passenger-type ship not because he'd been expected to return with anyone else, but simply to discourage him from trying...acrobatics.

Following that thought was the temptation to show just what sort of acrobatics he could still perform with a ship like this but he managed to quash the idea. At least for while they were still near Varonat. The indigenous folk here were rather...touchy. And Anakin didn't want to do anything to disturb the accord he'd worked so hard to make happen.

Instead, took the ship out of atmosphere in relatively sedate -- for him -- fashion, then once out of the planet's gravity well, made the jump to light speed with all due haste.

They'd only been traveling a few hours when the ship gave something that sounded eerily like a groan and a shudder and something that smelled suspiciously burnt wafted out from behind one of the panels. This prompted Anakin to curse something truly impressive and unintelligible (being in Huttese) before sprinting to the cockpit to diagnose the problem.

Definitely back in realspace.

Definitely near a system the computer hasn't yet recognized.

Definitely no other space-traffic nearby.

Anakin pulled open the offending panel and made a face before he started cursing again. This time it was entirely possible he was insulting the intelligence and ability of whatever tech had been servicing the ship.

He knew he should've checked it out himself.
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