[for kitty] AUs Eat Brainz

Dec 07, 2008 20:20

[ooc: a long time ago in a state far away, shadowed_kat's mun and I created an alternate universe that we dragged into wherein somehow Kitty Pryde and Anakin Skywalker meet and fall for each other and...er, the rest is history. Some of that history can be found at au_eats_brains. Anyway, that was years ago, literally. We wanted to resurrect it. So we're starting anew with ( Read more... )

kitty, au eats brains

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prydeful December 8 2008, 02:36:37 UTC
[ooc: *sneakily uses the lj with paid account time, ninja-like*]

She's scowling, as she slips through shadows and walls alike, watching carefully and doing her best--which is quite well--to not be seen in turn.

This is Emma's fault. Emma was the one who convinced Scott to reactive her, and Scott...

Well, Scott had told her that she was needed, and Kitty had yelled at him a lot before groaning and asking if her room still existed. With the rate they rebuilt the mansion, she wasn't sure.

But it's still Emma's fault, and the fact that she gave Kitty a piece of shit Skrull ship--and she knows Skrull ships, thank you very much, since someone had once downloaded most of their entire culture into her brain--that had--

She thinks, is the thing, that it's the equivalent of a flat tire, something that should be easy to fix so she can get back to the right side of the universe instead of being stuck on the far side and only able to travel system by system ( ... )


morally_cryptic December 8 2008, 02:54:23 UTC
[ahahaha, tis Kitty who's stuck this time. :)]

Things had seemed normal enough, though Anakin wasn't exactly on high alert. Well, normal enough until he came across something .... not so normal.

At first it was just a hint, a whisper of something in the Force, something that didn't quite fit. And being a curious sort, Anakin settled himself on following the "tip" he'd been given by the Force. So to speak.

As he drew closer, it became apparent that whatever -- er, whoever -- it was wasn't exactly happy. And...seemed to be walking right through walls?

He paused at the mouth of an alleyway, muttering, "that can't be right."


prydeful December 8 2008, 03:23:25 UTC
[Turnabout, fair play, the likelihood of EITHER of these two playing fairly utterly ignored, etc? :D]

You held out until the caffeine craving hit, you moron, silently fumes at herself.

She's trying not to phase more than necessary--because she doesn't know much about the tech here, and the material of the buildings...doesn't hurt like adamantium, but it's weird to phase through.

She's half in the wall anyway, crouched behind boxes. One movement and she's in either the building or the ground; move another way and she's launched at someone with hopefully something akin to the element of surprise.

I am not getting cuts where I can't even reach to treat them on my own. No. Thrice in one lifetime already was more than enough.

She can't really see the shape of the man, but she's listening. Very, very attentively.


morally_cryptic December 8 2008, 03:44:46 UTC
It didn't feel like an ambush. But it was a conveniently apparently deserted alleyway.

Anakin sighed, shrugged, and pretended he couldn't imagine what Obi-Wan would be saying in this situation as he walked slowly down the alleyway, one hand not straying far from his lightsaber. Just in case.

Still...maaaaybe it couldn't hurt to give the benefit of the doubt. "Hello?"

Because that doesn't make you sound like an idiot. he scowled inwardly.


prydeful December 8 2008, 04:19:08 UTC

It's not the language--well, languages--that she was worried about understanding so much as the culture; considering the various ones on her own planet, she wasn't planning to risk doing something horribly taboo and thus causing the next invasion of Earth. They had enough already.

...I refuse to believe I'm doing this on my own. Emma brainwashed me into being crazy.

"Uh. Hi?" she offers, leaning around the crate just enough to show her face, one eyebrow lifted.


morally_cryptic December 8 2008, 14:08:28 UTC
She didn't look like most of the locals he'd seen so far.

Well, from what he could see of her face, anyway.

But then, she didn't feel like them either. Which was even harder to explain, but it had been what had drawn him over here. Even if, he considered, it hadn't been that he'd felt she was hostile. Because he didn't. Really he shouldn't be over here anyway. This wasn't what he'd had in mind for killing time and it wasn't really either his or the Jedi's business what she was doing.

That still didn't mean he left.

"Are you lost?" Reasonable assumption? Maybe. Not that Anakin was always reasonable in his assumptions anyway.


prydeful December 8 2008, 17:37:06 UTC
"Um." Did I find the local tour guide by mistake? flashes into her head and makes her lips quirk once, quickly and involuntary.

"Not...exactly." And, since she's willing to bet she'd just be asked what that meant, "I know where I'm eventually ending up. And I know how to get there. It's the interim that's become a bit...extended."

Go go ninja lying skills! ...I'm going to kill Bobby for watching cartoons so often. Besides, it was true.

It was just...a heavily-edited and under-detailed version of the truth.

Which is still totally true, which she has reason to thank from a particularly uncomfortable lie-detector experience.

He doesn't look terribly dangerous or aggressive at the moment, and so she shifts enough to be (mostly) visible.

(Double note to self: pack more clothing that's as durable as your uniform, or you're going to end up unable to wear anything else.) One of her...borrowings, at least, over the past few days included something that's vaguely related to a robe, if one designed for someone far bigger and ( ... )


morally_cryptic December 9 2008, 01:38:52 UTC
Robes, even ones with hoods, weren't particularly noteworthy. So he didn't really notice the fashionable or not-fashionableness of Kitty's. Then again, he was unlikely to notice fashion even if it bit him on the face. He did note it seemed about to swallow her whole which...could have meant probably several things. She could just like being engulfed in fabric. Or something like that.

"Right. So do you need help then?" Getting where you're going.

And no, he couldn't precisely say why he'd offered. It seemed the thing to do.


prydeful December 9 2008, 02:00:17 UTC
"No." Immediately, and she then winces and rubs at her eyes.

"Possibly," she sighs instead after a moment's pause. "Sorry, I'm used to people trying to kill me, not helping me."

And also stubborn as hell, a voice that sounds remarkably like Logan's adds in her head. And not at all sure yet you're someone I want or need the help of.

The last part was her own voice, though Logan would probably agree.

"Uh. Sorry, let's try again: Hi. I'm Kitty."


morally_cryptic December 9 2008, 02:14:32 UTC
Anakin let out something of a laugh, "I know the feeling."

There was likely something wrong with that. Normal people didn't know that feeling, anyway.

"And I'm Anakin. So...what's the problem?"

Hopefully it wasn't anything big. How much time did he still have?


prydeful December 9 2008, 02:25:13 UTC
Does he, now?

That...could potentially not be a good thing, that he knows the feeling, though Kitty is very aware that the same potential applies to her.

For the moment, she decides, it's best to continue with at least enough caution to escape if needed.

Hopefully not needed. It would be so nice if, for once, she didn't get attacked and actually got help.

She thinks for a minute and shrugs. "I'm trying to make technology from approximately three different galaxies mesh so I can make the damned ship I was sent out with actually function like it's supposed to and thus get be to the far side of the universe." It's said matter-of-factly, and she shrugs. "Shockingly, no one thought about making the engine compatible with unknown technology. Don't you hate it when that happens?"


morally_cryptic December 9 2008, 02:29:43 UTC
Anakin stared for a long moment.

That...was going to take a while. Assuming it was the truth. Because it really sounded out there.

Of course, it also sounded like just the sort of challenge he loved. Which...might make this a cleverly devised trap or something. But that would mean someone would have to have known he, himself was going to be there, going to be early, and happen to stumble across this girl and-

Okay, thinking way too hard about this.

All he says is, with a crooked grin, "you don't look like you're from another galaxy."


prydeful December 9 2008, 02:36:12 UTC
She makes a face at him and plucks at the robe's material. "I'm not wearing this for the way it flatters my figure. Generally speaking, looking like you're from another galaxy is not the best way to remain inconspicuous. Besides, how would you know what someone from another galaxy looked like?"

Kitty freely admits that she was shocked to see what appeared to be humans about, but she's only interested in freely admitting it in her head.


morally_cryptic December 9 2008, 02:37:42 UTC
"Well, I wouldn't have figured they'd be human," he shrugs.

There were, after all, how many species in this galaxy alone?

He waved in the direction that was out of the alley, "where's your ship?"

He could at least glance at it before going to be diplomatic.


prydeful December 9 2008, 02:41:48 UTC
"Mostly, anyway," Kitty says under her breath, and then shrugs.

"I left it in the forest out of town. I didn't really want anyone noticing the unfamiliar ship."


morally_cryptic December 9 2008, 02:44:37 UTC
On some places, it might not have made a difference. Corellia. Coruscant. Tatooine, even, to some extent. People were always coming in and out and there were enough variations in ships that most wouldn't note another one.

Here though? Here was different. Talk about backwater planets...

And yet again he was wondering why the Council had bothered to send a Jedi, even a padawn, here.

"How far out of town?"


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