July 2006 - for licenseartistic

Jul 26, 2006 15:02

Title/Prompt: Waiting in the Dark ( picture prompt #2)
Character: Anakin Skywalker
Pairings: Anakin/Padme
Character's fandom: Star Wars
Word count: 450
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I am not Anakin. I am no Hayden. Purely doing this for entertainment and to better my writing skills. All Star Warsian things belong to George Lucas/Lucasarts/Lucasfilm/whatever and whoever that isn't me. Thank you, goodnight.

One of the better perks, Anakin decided, about finally achieving the rank of Knight was that he no longer had to worry so much about whether other people -- definitely like Obi-Wan -- keeping a close watch on him. In fact, as long as he was reachable and didn't disappear for days a time, still seemed to be eating, and didn't miss briefings, no one seemed to worry too much. Not even when, fresh in from a mission, he must have broken some Coruscant land (air?) speed records upon leaving his de-briefing. The entire way to this meeting-point, all he could seem to think about was seeing her again. And really, who could blame him? He hadn't seen her for weeks because of this latest mission and they hadn't been married for very long before that, and, well, he loved her.

Of course, he did have the bad luck to get Threepio when he tried to leave her a message to meet him here. And the bad luck to hear from Threepio that the Senate had stayed in a late session today and it might be some time before "the mistress" was free but he would certainly see to it she received his message. Anakin had just sighed at that, and hoped Threepio made sure to only tell Padme and not any- and everyone else who might be with her when he gave it.

Still, the waiting had given him time to grab a bite to eat from a street vendor. He had bolted it so quickly, he hardly even tasted it. Which was probably just as well considering the quality of food to be found on Coruscant street corners, especially this late at night. He hadn't cared about tasting the food, however, only about having to wait. So he paced back and forth across the skybridge they'd agreed to meet at, other passersby giving him hardly a second glance -- cloaked individuals being hardly worth a first glance on Coruscant. Back and forth he paced, finding himself unable to just stand still beneath one of the lamps that lit the bridge until finally he caught sight of another cloaked figure certainly worth a first glance. And a second. And a third. And a few long stares beside. His face broke into a warm smile and he crossed the distance between them in what seemed like three easy steps before he pulled her into his embrace.

This meeting. This solitary meeting under the cover of darkeness, on an anonymous bridge on Coruscant, even if it only ended up being just long enough for a few moments time was worth the wait.

And yet, it was hardly long enough and never would be.

license artistic

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