Sep 19, 2004 00:48
MoralityVoid: HA! you are the entire reason for my new screan name
Impitious: ME?!
Impitious: hahah
Auto response from Impitious: Impitious: it might work
Impitious: hell, i'll steal money if it makes me rich
Impitious: i've lost most of my morals
Impitious: nice!
MoralityVoid: yep
Impitious: mroals are overrated
MoralityVoid: i titled that moral decay
MoralityVoid: nope
Impitious: they're a set of rules based on society
MoralityVoid: i did some thinking
MoralityVoid: nope
MoralityVoid: wrong
MoralityVoid: entirely fucking wrong
Impitious: right!
MoralityVoid: morals are self evident
Impitious: heh
MoralityVoid: however
MoralityVoid: society tries to applie social rules that you should be governed by out of embarassment and label them morals
MoralityVoid: but
MoralityVoid: morals are self only
MoralityVoid: what is immoral to you may not be immoral to some one else
MoralityVoid: its how you personaly are able to cope/accept/ or reject actions by others and yourself
MoralityVoid: no one can tell you how you should feel
MoralityVoid: others do
Impitious: i always beleived that morals are a set of rules which society unconciencely sets and people beleive they have to follow this set of "rules" in order to not become a social deviant
MoralityVoid: and some people accept what other peoples morals are as their own because it makes them feel accepted but truely morals are all completely personal
MoralityVoid: nope
MoralityVoid: think about it like this
MoralityVoid: first off
MoralityVoid: whats society
MoralityVoid: because you move states
MoralityVoid: cities
MoralityVoid: countries
MoralityVoid: and the "socially acceptable" actions change
MoralityVoid: basically you have to define society as the smallest socail unit
MoralityVoid: which would be SELF
Impitious: well morals are different in every society
MoralityVoid: anything larger than taht and your borrowing the concepts and applying them but that doesnt make them your own - you can act on others morals but that doesnt make them your own set
MoralityVoid: no
MoralityVoid: morals are different for every PERSON
Impitious: so do you beleive that killing is wrong?
MoralityVoid: socailly acceptable is different for every society
MoralityVoid: no
MoralityVoid: i beleive we kill people every day
Impitious: ok, lemme be more specific
Impitious: hrm
MoralityVoid: yeah
Impitious: if you killed a little girl riding her bike
MoralityVoid: now you see the jist
Impitious: down the sidewalk
Impitious: is that immoral?
MoralityVoid: well
MoralityVoid: here goes
MoralityVoid: first off i wouldnt do that
MoralityVoid: because i dont see that as being moral
MoralityVoid: but
MoralityVoid: moral is personal
MoralityVoid: some one else may do it
MoralityVoid: but
MoralityVoid: if that person has a reason that justifies it
Impitious: then he beleives in moral
Impitious: i see what you mean
Impitious: i never thought of it on a personal level
MoralityVoid: i mean for any one to be able to murder a girl on a bike then they can justify it to themselves
Impitious: i'm a self proclaimed Nihilist so i'm always reading articles and such about morals and society
MoralityVoid: justifying it to others doesnt make it anymore moral to the other people
MoralityVoid: morality is like a system of complicated weights for actions that allows you or disallows you to do things
MoralityVoid: adding some one elses proclaimed morals to your own set can strengthen or weaken it
MoralityVoid: but again morality - social rule - and laws are 3 different things
Impitious: i never thought of it on a personal level
MoralityVoid: and given propperly difened scenarioes people can easily see the differenc
Impitious: i always looked at the big picture
MoralityVoid: there is no other level
Impitious: what society wants you to think
Impitious: you should really read Nietzche
Impitious: if you're interested in this stuff, read some
MoralityVoid: if someone tells you something is immoral just think about that - and ask yourself do you feel uncomfortable doing that? - if not - well its not immoral to you - "right and wrong" only exist in religion and dont stand up to morals because "right and wrong" are to be held accountable to all by said religion, lawful and unlawful is not related to what is moral or immoral and this is easily seen by the # of people who break laws - those people dont beleive that the laws they break should be laws at all
Impitious: exactly
Impitious: it's the "society" which says what's right and wrong
MoralityVoid: just like right and wrong vs lawful and unlawful dont coincide and this is easily seen by the times in history and current in which religious groups condemn legislature and people responsible for it
MoralityVoid: no
Impitious: yes!
Impitious: haha
MoralityVoid: right and wrong is judged by small groups
Impitious: no, you'd be surprised
Impitious: how much influence
MoralityVoid: but in order for something to be considered right it must have the weight of religion behind it
Impitious: the smal groups have on the larger groups
Impitious: what do you think our laws are based on?
Impitious: the Catholic religion
MoralityVoid: otherwise what your calling right and wrong is just Social Rules of Etiquete
Impitious: that's what this entire society is set on
Impitious: no, what's right and wrong depends to each person
but - what society says is "right and wrong" is determined by what the authorities state
MoralityVoid: right and wrong is something that is founded on the ultimate state of your soul - social rules of etiguete are what most poeple think you should do in given circumstances but if you dont beleive in religion than neither following or not following the social rule would not condemn your soul
MoralityVoid: Authorities cant tell you whats right and wrong brother
Impitious: they mold society
MoralityVoid: otherwise the constitution woulda been stamped in medal
MoralityVoid: and never changed
MoralityVoid: they can tell you whats lawful and unlawful
Impitious: my mother is a prime example
Impitious: i was arguing with her one day
MoralityVoid: however over time society must decide if laws are still appropriate
Impitious: "is drinking underage wrong?"
MoralityVoid: no
Impitious: "yes, of course"
Impitious: "why?"
MoralityVoid: its unlawful where you live
Impitious: "because the law says so"
MoralityVoid: doesnt make it wrong
MoralityVoid: other states
MoralityVoid: countries
MoralityVoid: have differnet or no laws against it
Impitious: yes, that's morals
MoralityVoid: no
Impitious: i'm saying what our society says is right and wrong
MoralityVoid: if there are no laws
MoralityVoid: you deciding wether you should drink is morality based
MoralityVoid: deciding if what others is drinking is appropriate is socail rules for ettiquete
MoralityVoid: and religious groups deciding it would then apply the term right or wrong based on what they beleieve the damage to your soul would be
MoralityVoid: but if you dont participate in that religion or the people in question dont then right and wrong would not apply
MoralityVoid: breakdown:
Impitious: wow you're typing a lot
Impitious: i just realized that i may be WAY too tired for this debate
Impitious: haha
MoralityVoid: Morality: Self only
Lawful: Decided by the lowest form of Government you participate in capable of making such descsions.
Social Rules of Ettique: Level of Condescension or Approval for given actions based on the largest immideate organized and recognized group avail to witness events or coverage of events
Right and Wrong: Decided by the highest level of Religious authority capable of providing feedback that said individuals in question participate in.
Impitious: so you dont think morals have anything to do with what society says?
MoralityVoid: well
MoralityVoid: i think you develope what your morals are as you age
MoralityVoid: and they change
MoralityVoid: all of this is based on the social events around you
MoralityVoid: but
MoralityVoid: if you move regions enough then at any given time your morals may have nothing to do with social rules of ettiquete
Impitious: so
Impitious: "When in rome, do as the romans?"
MoralityVoid: well
MoralityVoid: when in rome long enough you feel more comfortable doing things the romans do
MoralityVoid: but
MoralityVoid: if you dont then you dot
MoralityVoid: dont
MoralityVoid: its all about what you feel comfortable or uncomfortable doing
This has not been edited at all except to use Italics for the away message that was from a conversation probably over a year old.