I live in the US, in Pennsylvania. I require proximity to certain northeastern cities for my happiness. Philadelphia, D.C., Baltimore, and New York, are all morality_play territory. I've lived abroad in Rome for two years (not consecutively), and know the city well. I was even fortunate enough to have a Piazza Navona address. Hi Abusta. Good boy Flash! Florence and Orvietto are also morality_play territory.
Raised lower-middle class by loving parents who conscientiously saw to my every need in childhood. One brother.
Raised Catholic. Incense. Gold leaf. Angry nuns. Catholic schoolgirls were doing things that would _turn you protestant_. People have no idea. Seriously.
I've been an atheist since I was twelve or so. I like to think I was never that dramatic about it, but my recollection is foggy. My father seems oblivious, so I suppose I must have kept my opinions to myself for the most part.
I'm preoccupied with moral philosophy. Specifically, I'm interested in establishing a minimum criteria for moral activity that can be used to test normative premises. I've observed an alarming social trend emerging where appeals to non-moral criteria (emergent phenomenon like darwinian evolution or market selection) are being treated as if they possessed moral content. I'm also interested in the distorting effects of temporal bias in our moral constructions, and the discourse ethics of Jurgen Habermas.
Political. Intellectual/Creative. Professional/Creative.