I figured I would make a real update about my life just so I have something to look back on, and maybe people I have lost touch with can know what's going on with me lately...
It feels good to be busy... but it also feels good to sleep. I truly have learned to appreciate the art of sleeping for any amount >15 minutes. I'm still kicking my ass to do well in school and staying over that 3.8 GPA mark. I've been exhausting myself sick with midterms, my hospital internship that everyone is sick of hearing of, AND getting my pharm-tech license, which is why I was so fucking ecstatic when my adviser told me I should apply to pharmacy school as early as by the end of next year since my profile looks competitive and I shouldn't even need to take the PCATS. That kind of puts me in a predicament, however, 'cause I was in serious contemplation about taking a year off post-grad to just travel. If not after 16 years of school and before another 4 grueling years of schooling, then when?
I hate myself for not fulfilling my potential in high school because of trivial distractions. As many may recall, I had such an outrageous case of teenage angst and the majority of it was a product of my surroundings. Albeit I'm still coping with some anger management issues, I'd like to think that I am much more stable now that I have emancipated myself from a good deal of toxic people.
Everyone tells me that grew up too fast, but I'm a little bit happy that I got past those stages early, so that now I can devote myself to my future instead of wasting energy in trying to figure out who I am. Sometimes I wish I had more time to revive whatever's left of my social life, but then I remember... I gotta get mine first.