just because i'm in an acoustic folkband

Feb 03, 2009 14:21

wow.. i don't know what's stranger to me, that the last time i posted was before i moved into austin (again), or that my saved draft was a hugeass obama rant. the fixation on obama scares me quite a lot, was the gist of it. ah well.

a lot has changed since i last posted, good things and very, very bad things. i'll share the former since the latter is nothing i want to write down for future reference. it's not like i'll forget it anyway. i've been working since jan 12th, and i've learned so much in less than a month! i really enjoy my job, i feel like i'm getting along fine, although of course there are some things i wish i could do better already. impatient much?

i'm taking six classes this semester, most of which aren't a drag. and even those that are a drag i kind of have to admit are interesting anyway, like o chem and rhetoric. i mean sure, o chem is hard as hell, but when you get down to it, it is really interesting. and rhetoric, while it is grating and "omfg i don't want to do it"-ish, is still interesting in the sense that i'm going to get a lot of my grade based on A. helping a high schooler from a low SES prepare for the english ap exam, and B. be an active member of the study abroad organization. i mean.. to be graded for doing things i enjoy is always a positive in my book. now if only they could grade me on youtubing.... oh go figure! she is. in the first (of three) assignments, i can "read" anything, a place, movie, advertisement, commercial.. soo i'm going to find something fun on youtube to read. or i'll just read an episode of blackadder or something. who knows! but, not bad to get three marks out of youtubing, if i say so myself.

hmmmm what else. i'm sitting on my hwk (almost literally) right now, so i should probably stop this and read that instead. all in all, i'm really happy with how it's going right now (not so much last night when i had to read 3 chapters because i thought there was a quiz today..... on thursday though, so i'm all prepared for thursdays quiz! yay freedom until thursday! ..1/6 freedom? is that possible?), working and going to class is a whole new feeling and i really enjoy it. now, if only i could squeeze in the ACS, i'll be so thrilled! i miss the shelter, and i feel awful for not beginning the semester with them, too. i think i have to go get a tetnis shot before i can start though, and i'm not exactly excited about that part..

speaking of the ACS, there's an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast this saturday as a benefit for the shelter, and yay! i'm excited, i've rounded up friends and we're going! eating pancakes for a good cause, hello? i'm in! in other delicious news, i found this place called polkadots cupcake factory(!!) that is just so freaking adorable!

i'm going back today to buy two before i go home, it's cupcake happy hour. now that's my kinda night!

hah! how could i forget?

on may 7th (after an italian oral, italian, linguistics, and juvenile delinquency exams), i get to go see the hippopopotamus and the rhymenocerous LIVE! yay! viva la austin!

ps. will see rocknrolla tonight.
pps. will write wifey v. v. v. soon! asap! while eating cupcakes so you can read all about it, yesss...
"It's like my mother always said, if you want something done right, waste them yourself. I'm paraphrasing, but you get the idea."


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