Of course not! Our laws are infallible, obviously.
When did I (or any of us, for that matter) EVER state that there was anything wrong with smilies of any other kind? Never. It just so happens that we think that :) and :( are lame.
And why aren't ":>" or ":))" lame as well? If ":)" and ":(" are lame, every symbol that spawned from it should be lame as well. Somewhat like Sliders fanfics.
Dude, since when do trolls have to defend their hypocrisy! But since you are so annoyingly persistent, ":>" and ":))" aren't lame BECAUSE. JUST BE-FUCKING-CAUSE I SAID SO. THE END, END OF STORY.
And really, it's not ":)" and ":(" I take offence to so much as these devil spawns:
( ... )
You know, I think you have ego issues. I think you think that you're too important. I mean, come on! How can something be just because you want it to be? You're not important enough to actually will something to be so.
I think that perhaps you should seek help. Not trying to offend you or anything, of course. But, you know, the reality does not conform to your wishes. It's okay to want to be important. You shouldn't get so nervous because of that.
And I'm not saying that smilies are not offensive. I'm just saying that every smiley is offensive, while you're just being... well... A racist. You're trying to tell me that this and that smilies are worse than the others, while I'm telling you that, deep down, they're all the same. You know what I mean?
Should the extra ")" save you from being put down, arsewipe?
:> :> :> :> :> :> :> :> :>
When did I (or any of us, for that matter) EVER state that there was anything wrong with smilies of any other kind? Never. It just so happens that we think that :) and :( are lame.
And really, it's not ":)" and ":(" I take offence to so much as these devil spawns:
( ... )
I think that perhaps you should seek help. Not trying to offend you or anything, of course. But, you know, the reality does not conform to your wishes. It's okay to want to be important. You shouldn't get so nervous because of that.
And I'm not saying that smilies are not offensive. I'm just saying that every smiley is offensive, while you're just being... well... A racist. You're trying to tell me that this and that smilies are worse than the others, while I'm telling you that, deep down, they're all the same. You know what I mean?
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