people feeling entitled to comment meanly and to your face about how they think you "should" look

Dec 04, 2012 15:01

Felt I had to write something, after reading a discussion on twitter about looks, and people feeling entitled to comment meanly and to your face about how they think you "should" look. Like you exist for them.

Made me think of all the comments I used to receive when I was in my teens. I had low self esteem then as well (as did everyone else I suppose) but I was also stronger, and more stubborn. If someone told me to pluck my eyebrows I said "fuck you" and was more determined to not do it. To be fair I was very rebellious in my late teens. Vegetarian, wore no make-up and lots of rings and had my own "style" haha. I'm proud of who I was. I stood up to a lot of bullies, and social injustices.

I hear a lot about people being treated in your face rudely like that by STRANGERS, I've seen it happen often to my friends.

But not to me, for YEARS. Is it because I'm fat? does that fact mean I've already said enough of fuck you to society's standards that people are just thinking "too ugly already, can't fix it". I don't know. If that's it, I can't help but laugh at it. :)

I like to think it's because I got rid of people like that a long time ago.

Whatever the reason is I'm glad I don't have to deal with that any more. Because some of those weirdass comments do stick. I still sometimes need to ask my husband if my ears stick out too much when I put my hair up, because my "best friend" in school took me to the side and said that to me once.

I can't even imagine anyone of my current friends saying or behaving remotely like that to me ever, that makes me happy and thankful.

Me at 18

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