Happy News!!!!

Aug 30, 2010 23:15

I know I've aready posted super much about it on Flickr and Facebook ^^; sorry~~ but it doesn't feel right not posting here, as there are a lot of friends I only have contact with through LJ (even tho I'm not here a lot anymore).

I AM MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^-^)/ *happyhappy~~~*

Our wedding was at Sundbyberg's Church Aug 21, 2010
(With a small reception after)

This wedding was very small and relaxed, only family invited just like we wished.
Most of the stuff was DIY, I did most of the things myself (veil, skirt, hair, makeup, flowers, table decorations, etc).
My mom made the awesome smörgåstårtorna (sandwich cakes) and helped with everything.
.. really everyone in the family helped in one way or another.♥

It truly was a perfect wedding to the point that Andreas' relatives thought we had practiced in church (we had no practice at all)!
It all was so beautiful.
Even the weather, it was cloudy but no rain until everyone was seated at the reception (luck x 2!!!) and it ended before it was time to go.
At the end of the reception my mom and dad gave us a surprise present! an overnight stay at Hasseludden japanese bath/spa. So they drove us directly there where we where pampered, the perfect gift after stressing that whole week getting everything ready, and then picked up on sunday at noon. It was a little mini-honeymoon
I posted some pics from there on my flickr= http://www.flickr.com/photos/didiary/sets/72157624803721720/ (The "real" honeymoon is next september, when we are going to japan! )

It all was so wonderful ♥
I am so lucky to be surrounded by so many wonderful friends and family

there are some pics here as well, and yeah I gained a lot of weight (my doctors blame my strong meds, but I blame myself a lot) so don't fall out of your seat from chock when you see the pics ;P
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