Title: Penrose Stairs
sistabroFandoms: Inception-Supernatural crossover fusion-AU; let's just call it Superception
Rating: NC-17
Final Word Count: 19,541
Pairings: Sam/Arthur, Eames/Arthur
Timeline: Set during "Mystery Spot" (3.11) for Supernatural, pre-movie for Inception.
Disclaimer: None of the characters contained herein belong to me and this work is not intended for any profit or other commercial purposes.
Not Such As I WasContents include: Language, graphic sexual situations,canonical character death, angst
Summary: The stairs make four 90-degree turns as they ascend or descend yet form a continuous loop, so that a person could climb them forever and never get any higher. This is clearly impossible in three dimensions.
Tuesday's Child is Full of Grace Wednesday's Child if Full of Woe Thursday's Child Has Far to Go This entry was originally posted at
http://moragmacpherson.dreamwidth.org/88265.html. Please comment on the Dreamwidth entry if possible. This post has
comments on DW.